pgFouine: PostgreSQL log analysis report

Normalized reports are marked with a "(N)".

Overall statistics ^

Queries by type ^

Type Count Percentage
SELECT 288,222 53.6
INSERT 25,974 4.8
UPDATE 39,347 7.3

Queries that took up the most time (N) ^

Rank Total duration Times executed Av. duration (s) Query
1 21m53s 0.02
2 9m48s 0.02
3 3m2s 0.00
SELECT tables.table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE lower(table_name) = '';
4 46.2s 23.09
vacuum full archivedruddersysevents;
5 37.1s 0.01
select id from ruddersysevents limit 0;
6 36.4s 9.10
vacuum ruddersysevents;
7 35.9s 0.00
insert into RudderSysEvents (executionDate, nodeId, ruleId, directiveId, serial, Component, KeyValue, executionTimeStamp, eventType, msg, Policy) values ('','', '' , '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' );
8 16.0s 7.98
: insert into archivedruddersysevents (id, executionDate, nodeId, directiveId, ruleId, serial, component, keyValue, executionTimeStamp, eventType, policy, msg) (select id, executionDate, nodeId, directiveId, ruleId, serial, component, keyValue, executionTimeStamp, eventType, policy, msg from ruddersysevents where executionTimeStamp < '');
9 5.5s 0.00
update "statusupdate" set "lastid" = (0), "date" = ('') Where ("statusupdate"."key" = '');
10 5.3s 1.32
: delete from ruddersysevents where executionTimeStamp < '';
11 2.9s 0.00
Select "statusupdate4"."key" as "statusupdate4_key", "statusupdate4"."date" as "statusupdate4_date", "statusupdate4"."lastid" as "statusupdate4_lastid" From "statusupdate" "statusupdate4" Where ("statusupdate4"."key" = '');
12 2.6s 0.15
SELECT d.datname as "Name", pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(d.datdba) as "Owner", pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding) as "Encoding", d.datcollate as "Collate", d.datctype as "Ctype", pg_catalog.array_to_string(d.datacl, E'') AS "Access privileges" FROM pg_catalog.pg_database d ORDER BY 0;
13 2.1s 0.00
select T.nodeid, T.executiontimestamp, coalesce(C.iscomplete, false) as complete from (select distinct nodeid, executiontimestamp from ruddersysevents where id > 0 and id <= 0) as T left join (select true as isComplete, nodeid, executiontimestamp from ruddersysevents where id > 0 and id <= 0 and ruleId like '' and component = '' and keyValue = '') as C on T.nodeid = C.nodeid and T.executiontimestamp = C.executiontimestamp;
14 2.1s 0.00
15 2.0s 0.00
select max(id) as id from RudderSysEvents where id > 0 and executionTimeStamp < '';
16 1.7s 0.01
insert into EventLog (creationDate, modificationId, principal, eventType, severity, data ) values ('', '', '', '', 0, '' ) RETURNING "id";
17 0.7s 0.75
select executiondate, nodeid, ruleid, directiveid, serial, component, keyValue, executionTimeStamp, eventtype, policy, msg from RudderSysEvents where 1=1 and nodeId = '44870e14-7761-4bc4-a30c-bf78dae5ebbf' ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 1000;
18 0.7s 0.00
insert into "reportsexecution" ("date", "complete", "nodeid") values ('','','');
19 0.6s 0.04
SELECT id, creationDate, modificationId, principal, eventType, severity, data, reason, causeId FROM EventLog where 0=0 and eventType in (...);
20 0.5s 0.10
SELECT id, creationDate, modificationId, principal, eventType, severity, data, reason, causeId FROM EventLog where 0=0 and eventtype in (...) order by creationdate desc limit 0;

Slowest queries ^

Rank Duration (s) Query
1 26.50
2 24.39
vacuum full archivedruddersysevents;
3 21.79
vacuum full archivedruddersysevents;
4 14.28
vacuum ruddersysevents;
5 11.09
vacuum ruddersysevents;
6 10.56
7 8.14
: insert into archivedruddersysevents (id, executionDate, nodeId, directiveId, ruleId, serial, component, keyValue, executionTimeStamp, eventType, policy, msg) (select id, executionDate, nodeId, directiveId, ruleId, serial, component, keyValue, executionTimeStamp, eventType, policy, msg from ruddersysevents where executionTimeStamp < '2013-12-31');
8 7.82
: insert into archivedruddersysevents (id, executionDate, nodeId, directiveId, ruleId, serial, component, keyValue, executionTimeStamp, eventType, policy, msg) (select id, executionDate, nodeId, directiveId, ruleId, serial, component, keyValue, executionTimeStamp, eventType, policy, msg from ruddersysevents where executionTimeStamp < '2013-12-30');
9 7.72
10 7.49
vacuum ruddersysevents;
11 6.88
12 6.43
13 6.24
14 5.98
15 5.70
16 5.28
17 5.18
18 5.13
19 3.96
20 3.87

Most frequent queries (N) ^

Rank Times executed Total duration Av. duration (s) Query
1 3m2s 0.00
SELECT tables.table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE lower(table_name) = '';
2 2.1s 0.00
3 21m53s 0.02
4 5.5s 0.00
update "statusupdate" set "lastid" = (0), "date" = ('') Where ("statusupdate"."key" = '');
5 2.9s 0.00
Select "statusupdate4"."key" as "statusupdate4_key", "statusupdate4"."date" as "statusupdate4_date", "statusupdate4"."lastid" as "statusupdate4_lastid" From "statusupdate" "statusupdate4" Where ("statusupdate4"."key" = '');
6 2.1s 0.00
select T.nodeid, T.executiontimestamp, coalesce(C.iscomplete, false) as complete from (select distinct nodeid, executiontimestamp from ruddersysevents where id > 0 and id <= 0) as T left join (select true as isComplete, nodeid, executiontimestamp from ruddersysevents where id > 0 and id <= 0 and ruleId like '' and component = '' and keyValue = '') as C on T.nodeid = C.nodeid and T.executiontimestamp = C.executiontimestamp;
7 2.0s 0.00
select max(id) as id from RudderSysEvents where id > 0 and executionTimeStamp < '';
8 35.9s 0.00
insert into RudderSysEvents (executionDate, nodeId, ruleId, directiveId, serial, Component, KeyValue, executionTimeStamp, eventType, msg, Policy) values ('','', '' , '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' );
9 9m48s 0.02
10 37.1s 0.01
select id from ruddersysevents limit 0;
11 0.4s 0.00
select id from RudderSysEvents order by id desc limit 0;
12 0.4s 0.00
Select "reportsexecution4"."date" as "reportsexecution4_date", "reportsexecution4"."complete" as "reportsexecution4_complete", "reportsexecution4"."nodeid" as "reportsexecution4_nodeid" From "reportsexecution" "reportsexecution4" Where (("reportsexecution4"."nodeid" = '') and ("reportsexecution4"."date" = ''));
13 0.2s 0.00
update "rudderproperties" set "value" = (0) Where ("rudderproperties"."name" = '');
14 0.2s 0.00
select executiondate, nodeid, ruleid, directiveid, serial, component, keyValue, executionTimeStamp, eventtype, policy, msg from RudderSysEvents where 0=0 and id between '' and '' and (eventtype='' or eventtype='' or eventtype='' or eventtype='') order by executiondate asc;
15 0.7s 0.00
insert into "reportsexecution" ("date", "complete", "nodeid") values ('','','');
16 0.1s 0.00
update "reportsexecution" set "complete" = ('') Where (("reportsexecution"."nodeid" = '') and ("reportsexecution"."date" = ''));
17 1.7s 0.01
insert into EventLog (creationDate, modificationId, principal, eventType, severity, data ) values ('', '', '', '', 0, '' ) RETURNING "id";
18 0.0s 0.00
SELECT id, creationDate, modificationId, principal, eventType, severity, data, reason, causeId FROM EventLog where 0=0 and id = 0;
19 2.6s 0.15
SELECT d.datname as "Name", pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(d.datdba) as "Owner", pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding) as "Encoding", d.datcollate as "Collate", d.datctype as "Ctype", pg_catalog.array_to_string(d.datacl, E'') AS "Access privileges" FROM pg_catalog.pg_database d ORDER BY 0;
20 0.2s 0.01
Select "reportsexecution4"."date" as "reportsexecution4_date", "reportsexecution4"."complete" as "reportsexecution4_complete", "reportsexecution4"."nodeid" as "reportsexecution4_nodeid" From "reportsexecution" "reportsexecution4" Where ("reportsexecution4"."nodeid" = '') Order By "reportsexecution4"."date" Desc limit 0 offset 0;

Slowest queries (N) ^

Rank Av. duration (s) Times executed Total duration Query
1 23.09 46.2s
vacuum full archivedruddersysevents;
2 9.10 36.4s
vacuum ruddersysevents;
3 7.98 16.0s
: insert into archivedruddersysevents (id, executionDate, nodeId, directiveId, ruleId, serial, component, keyValue, executionTimeStamp, eventType, policy, msg) (select id, executionDate, nodeId, directiveId, ruleId, serial, component, keyValue, executionTimeStamp, eventType, policy, msg from ruddersysevents where executionTimeStamp < '');
4 1.32 5.3s
: delete from ruddersysevents where executionTimeStamp < '';
5 0.75 0.7s
select executiondate, nodeid, ruleid, directiveid, serial, component, keyValue, executionTimeStamp, eventtype, policy, msg from RudderSysEvents where 1=1 and nodeId = '44870e14-7761-4bc4-a30c-bf78dae5ebbf' ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 1000;
6 0.15 2.6s
SELECT d.datname as "Name", pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(d.datdba) as "Owner", pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding) as "Encoding", d.datcollate as "Collate", d.datctype as "Ctype", pg_catalog.array_to_string(d.datacl, E'') AS "Access privileges" FROM pg_catalog.pg_database d ORDER BY 0;
7 0.10 0.5s
SELECT id, creationDate, modificationId, principal, eventType, severity, data, reason, causeId FROM EventLog where 0=0 and eventtype in (...) order by creationdate desc limit 0;
8 0.06 0.1s
select pkid, expectedreports.nodejoinkey, ruleid,directiveid, serial, component, componentsvalues, unexpandedComponentsValues, cardinality, begindate, enddate from expectedreports join expectedreportsnodes on expectedreportsnodes.nodejoinkey = expectedreports.nodejoinkey where enddate is null and expectedreportsnodes.nodeId = '44870e14-7761-4bc4-a30c-bf78dae5ebbf';
9 0.04 0.6s
SELECT id, creationDate, modificationId, principal, eventType, severity, data, reason, causeId FROM EventLog where 0=0 and eventType in (...);
10 0.02 9m48s
11 0.02 21m53s
12 0.01 0.1s
Select "migrationeventlog8"."migrationfileformat" as "migrationeventlog8_migrationfileformat", "migrationeventlog8"."detectedfileformat" as "migrationeventlog8_detectedfileformat", "migrationeventlog8"."description" as "migrationeventlog8_description", "migrationeventlog8"."migrationendtime" as "migrationeventlog8_migrationendtime", "migrationeventlog8"."migrationstarttime" as "migrationeventlog8_migrationstarttime", "migrationeventlog8"."id" as "migrationeventlog8_id", "migrationeventlog8"."detectiontime" as "migrationeventlog8_detectiontime" From "migrationeventlog" "migrationeventlog8" Order By "migrationeventlog8"."id" Desc limit 0 offset 0;
13 0.01 1.7s
insert into EventLog (creationDate, modificationId, principal, eventType, severity, data ) values ('', '', '', '', 0, '' ) RETURNING "id";
14 0.01 0.2s
Select "reportsexecution4"."date" as "reportsexecution4_date", "reportsexecution4"."complete" as "reportsexecution4_complete", "reportsexecution4"."nodeid" as "reportsexecution4_nodeid" From "reportsexecution" "reportsexecution4" Where ("reportsexecution4"."nodeid" = '') Order By "reportsexecution4"."date" Desc limit 0 offset 0;
15 0.01 37.1s
select id from ruddersysevents limit 0;
16 0.00 0.0s
Select "rudderproperties3"."name" as "rudderproperties3_name", "rudderproperties3"."value" as "rudderproperties3_value" From "rudderproperties" "rudderproperties3" Where ("rudderproperties3"."name" = '');
17 0.00 35.9s
insert into RudderSysEvents (executionDate, nodeId, ruleId, directiveId, serial, Component, KeyValue, executionTimeStamp, eventType, msg, Policy) values ('','', '' , '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' );
18 0.00 3m2s
SELECT tables.table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE lower(table_name) = '';
19 0.00 0.0s
SELECT tables.table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE lower(table_name) = 'eventlog'2014-01-28 09:51:00 CET [2401]: [348049-1] user=rudder,db=rudderJan 28 11:33:01 rudder kernel: imklog 5.8.11, log source = /proc/kmsg started.;
20 0.00 0.7s
insert into "reportsexecution" ("date", "complete", "nodeid") values ('','','');
Table of contents