# old 6.2 issues to relocate * User story #6350: We need access log on rudder * Bug #9521: If we are in non-compliance only report mode, we don't get the wrong mode error message, and node in is "no answer" in the interface * Bug #9651: Sometimes, no root server inventory after a fresh install * Bug #10423: Missing "update" reports on Relay in rare cases * User story #11187: Make a clean add user technique * Bug #12869: If we call a technique with same name as a generic method, policy generation fails because of a duplicate bundle name * Bug #12969: Uninstall rudder-agent does not clean /var/ruder/ncf * Bug #14330: By default, no group are supervised and new group are not supervised * Bug #16618: Apache doesn't write logs on api request * Bug #16837: userManagement produces missing reports when used in "check only" mode * User story #16860: Add solaris support to agent * Bug #16895: Techniques are not correctly replaced by stock techniques * Bug #17314: policy generation error when disabling " Enable syntax validation of generated policies" during a policy generation * Bug #17617: After upgrading a node to relay, its allowed networks are incorrect * Bug #17810: Remaining files after agent uninstall * User story #18238: cron inserted by packaging on solaris is invalid * Bug #18428: os and resources console errors when importing json techniques * Bug #18541: Trigger agent run lead to JS error * Bug #18583: System group preview description are not displayed * Bug #18762: File_copy_from_local_source* methods do not generate correctly the expected classes * User story #18950: Rudder agent writes many messages to syslog * Bug #18982: on JVM8, there's no OOM log * User story #18987: No logs from rudder-upgrade when upgrading from 6.1 to 6.2 * User story #19069: Improve API doc introduction * Bug #19078: It's extremely difficult for an user to know there's a problem with root certificates * Bug #19176: File browser breaks when the list of files is too long * Architecture #19411: Add new methods tests * Bug #19498: Uninstalling rudder-agent and re-installing ends with malfunctioning rudder services * Bug #19774: Format of api nodes/ and createnodes/ are not compatible * Bug #19930: We were able to save a technique without a name which caused chaos * Bug #19973: Performance problem - ldap high IO read and continuous re-generation * Bug #20054: if token is invalid, there is no error when doing a PUT * Bug #20284: There is no visual indication that an API token is expired * Bug #20444: we cannot use variables in technique editor if we have a constraint on a parameter * Bug #20555: when we try to upgrade techniques with rudder server upgrade-techniques , it is not really helpful * Bug #20911: No policy generation error for Windows node without plugin DSC * Architecture #21142: Detect vulnerabilities in maven using osv/osv.dev * Bug #21252: Error when installing Rudder 6.2.13 on almalinux 8 * Bug #21388: Documentation doesn't state how to install AIX plugin/agent * Bug #21485: document in the getting started that virtualbox needs a list of authorized IP * Bug #21935: Format of target group is wrong in API doc * Bug #22106: Creating a global parameter doesn't trigger a policy generation * Bug #22208: Directives cannot be deleted because change request say state diverged even when there are no change request activated * Bug #22243: Missing cf-promises binary to run the ncf 'quick' tests * Enhancement #22250: Improve ci notification on repaired and error * Bug #22251: Improve CI Notifications of rudder-packages * Bug #22308: Ignore datatable prototype pollution * Bug #22328: Ignore RUSTSEC-2022-0082 * Bug #22339: Hook timeout may not have the good value * Bug #22354: Ignore CVE-2023-22895 in relayd * Bug #22430: Healthcheck on file descriptor should be max 64000 * Bug #22432: RUSTSEC-2023-0018 in remove_dir_all * Bug #22433: Update commons fileupload dependency to prevent CVE-2023-24998 * Bug #22532: Update openssl crate to fix several vulnerabilities * Enhancement #22687: Notify different channel for security dependency check * Bug #22706: Ignore RUSTSEC-2023-0034 in relayd * Bug #22708: Ignore CVE 2023-20860