# 8.0.4 2023-12-14 Maintenance release 8.0.4 * Bug #23332: Serde errors do not point to the correct line number * Enhancement #23549: Add a compliance filter to the node table * User story #23598: Add next run time in rudder agent info * Architecture #23599: Dump execd info for getting next agent run * Bug #23606: Creating files with the file explorer fails when using invalid character * Bug #23615: The value edited for overridden properties in node is not the node value * Architecture #23656: Rewrite Nodes compliance table in Elm * Architecture #23710: Update to jetty 10.0.18 * Enhancement #23721: Allow testing Windows techniques * Bug #23735: Exception when bad input for inventory duration config * Bug #23738: Error in upmerge (empty TestMigrateSystemTechnique7_0.scala) * Bug #23742: Test inventory files for 8.0 are invalid * Enhancement #23763: Improve techniques tests * Bug #23764: Change "Name" to something else in the technique editor * Architecture #23770: Dump execd info for getting next inventory run * Bug #23777: Fix resources_dir definition on Windows * Bug #23789: system status tab show normal directives rather than system directives * Bug #23802: rudderc should export a technique with ids * Architecture #23804: Add some services available to improve system update performance * Enhancement #23807: Add an env var pointing to reports test file * Enhancement #23810: Improve docs for techniques testing * Bug #23818: Import archive for an existing technique delete the previous technique * Bug #23820: NA is not properly displayed in node compliance * Bug #23821: next run time is improperly displayed * User story #23822: Add a command to get list of modified files on the agent * Bug #23840: Adding property on nodes is not possible with role node_all * Bug #23847: For technique parameter, name, id and doc are mixed up * Bug #23849: Rudder agent modified fails to list some files and duplicates others * Bug #23851: Fail on more unknown fields * Bug #23868: Make placeholder test more consistent with others * Bug #23869: Cannot add properties to a group * Bug #23895: We can access system rules detail page from node system status tab