# 7.3.13 2024-03-11 Maintenance release 7.3.13 * Architecture #24146: Backport user table to Rudder 7.3 * Architecture #24183: Add an Alias type of Role to track role mapping and IdP logout * Architecture #24203: Role API mapping should be exposed in RudderConfig * Bug #24209: User sessions should contain the authorizations * Bug #24229: Documentation on Windows installation misses the dependency on dsc plugin on the rudder server * Bug #24230: Authentication providers and role mapping settings should be exposed * Bug #24235: rudder agent check may fail on postgres command * Bug #24282: Display user roles on hover of user profile * Bug #24284: Log on user api authorizations should be more concise * Bug #24285: Empty role in users file is logged as warning * Bug #24297: Correct role extension data structure for user management * Bug #24301: Adapt Jenkinsfile after warning-ng plugin upgrade * Bug #24303: User sessions sql should contain authz column * Bug #24304: Deleted users should change status on file reload * Bug #24342: Merge user-management feature branch to 7.3