# 2.4.12 2013-11-19 Maintenance release 12 for 2.4 version * Bug #3293: It is not possible to add a block content or at a specified location of a file using 'Enforce file content' Technique * Bug #3314: Rudder cannot load several plugins at the same time * Bug #3412: We can create different rule with the same name in Rudder 2.3 * Bug #3665: Upgrade rudder-agent through rudder-agent fails due to "Text file busy" on cp * Bug #3854: The first inventory made display disturbing error messages about CPU * Bug #3910: Two softwares criteria matching anything * User story #3984: New Technique added: Partition monitoring * User story #3985: Technique implementation: Partition monitoring technique * Bug #4009: If a node has not cron (or equivalent) installed, then the uuid or init script are not restored * Bug #4018: Reporting is never caught if the Rudder server UUID (/var/rudder/tmp/uuid.txt) was more than 33 characters long * Bug #4021: Reporting message that state that curl is missing should be clearer * Bug #4025: The failsafe of the initial promises cannot update promises * Bug #4032: There is a typo in Rudder file disclaimer * Bug #4040: Remove comma after the promiser from passwordCheck in the distirbutePolicy promises * Bug #4071: The package_methods for zypper have a typo in the package verification * Bug #4087: Agent upgrade does not work if /opt/rudder/etc/disable-agent file exists * Bug #4088: Error when upgrading from a Rudder server 2.3 if both policy.xml and metadata.xml were existing for the same techniques * Bug #4098: Rudder-agent upgrade fails if one of the binaries is in use during upgrade * Bug #4101: Size of reports databases displayed in the web interface are lower than what they should be * Bug #4111: Inventory is never made due to the use of a wrong function ("isfile") in the promises * Bug #4124: User manual doesn't mention Debian wheezy support * Bug #4126: Apache is not started after reboot on RPM systems * Bug #4132: slapd is not always restarted on upgrading, leading to missing schema update * Bug #4147: First inventory sending may not contains UUID * Bug #4151: Correct English in "change message" pop-ups * Bug #4166: On Rudder 2.4, the initial promises return errors about not defined 'rudder_common_classes' function * Bug #4209: When a Rule is disabled due to an invalid state, some changes made on that Rule may be overwritten * Bug #4227: A Xen Hypervisor on SLES does not make a valid inventory and can't be accepted into Rudder since binary path to xenstore is wrong on SLES 11 and does not exist on SLES 10 * Bug #4280: Necessary entries in the apache2 sysconfig of SLES systems are missing * Bug #4290: Rudder server cannot be installed on CentOS and Red Hat 6.5 since dependency 'jre' does not exist anymore