# 8.3 * User story #26168: Add OAuth2 JWT Bearer token with client_credentials flow for Rudder API authentication * Bug #26195: Maven shade plugin update and ignore signatures * Bug #26199: Janino dependency was not provided to plugins causing plugin load issue * Bug #26291: Add OAuth2 Opaque Accesss Bearer token with client_credentials flow for Rudder API authentication * Bug #26313: Change path to webapp logfile in plugins documentation * Bug #26316: Fix clear text token chimney implicits and default pivot attribute * Bug #26341: Impact of ApiAccount API changes on plugin * Architecture #26349: Impact of plugins datastructures splitting in plugins * Architecture #26356: Impact of plugins datastructures splitting in plugins-private * Bug #26360: Add a new requires_license field in the metadata in rudder-plugins-private * Bug #26361: Add a new requires_license field in the metadata in rudder-plugins * Bug #26457: Impact of #26335 to ApiAuthorization - again * Bug #26460: Impact of Scala 3 - 26459 - public plugins * Bug #26461: Impact of Scala 3 - 26459 - private plugins * Bug #26474: Rename the field requires_license to requires-license * Bug #26475: Rename the requires_license field to requires-license in rudder-plugins-private * Bug #26477: Add missing licenses * Bug #26511: Branding plugin display is broken