# 2.8.3 2014-03-06 Maintenance release 3 for 2.8 version * Bug #3120: Create a robots.txt file in /opt/rudder/share/load-page to prevent an apache error log flooding * Bug #3928: Sometimes CFEngine get stuck because of locks on TokyoCabinet * User story #4131: Add informations about firewall for rudder-webapp * Bug #4283: "/etc/init.d/rudder-server-root status" returns no pid for postgres on ubuntu * Bug #4380: The allowed network on the relay servers are those of their own policy server * Bug #4383: When adding a Directive to a Rule from a newly created Directives screen, Change Request popup not displayed * Bug #4389: Add a system variable AUTHORIZED_NETWORKS that contains the Authorized networks of a policy server * Bug #4390: Add a system variable AUTHORIZED_NETWORKS that contains the Authorized networks of a policy server * Bug #4393: The default disclaimer message loaded initially into LDAP has an invalid charachter in it * Bug #4394: Documentation still mentions port 80 for web interface instead of 443 * Bug #4408: Sometimes there are too many cf-agent processes running * Bug #4412: Unnecessary and confusing properties deprecation messages on new install * Bug #4487: Template expansion sometimes removes spaces and adds a block in several times * Bug #4491: Rudder considers an inventory as "failed" if the endpoint is unavailable * Bug #4494: Accumulation of cf-agent processes due to locking on CFEngine tcdb lock file * Bug #4503: check-rudder-agent should source /etc/profile to acknowledge user defined variables * Bug #4533: A freshly installed Rudder server will not apply root server specific policies until promises are regenerated * Bug #4548: Correct file opening/closing on cf-agent (backport of 3.5.3 code) * User story #4553: Upgrade CFEngine version to 3.5.3 * Bug #4554: Initial logrotate configuration (from initial-promises) does not apply delaycompress option