# 2.6.17 2014-08-14 Maintenance release 17 for 2.6 version * Bug #5103: Authorized network sometimes have invalid values after rudder-init if you add more than one network * Bug #5187: Technique "Sudo utility configuration": Incorrect use of commands without their full path * Bug #5199: Missing dependency on net-tools for rudder-agent and rudder-thin * Bug #5204: The documentation says there is no Rudder server packages for RHEL 6 * Bug #5205: Incomplete command to force inventory * Bug #5208: Technique "Enforce a file content": post-hook modification reporting is in "No answer" status if we enforce the content of the file only at creation * Bug #5239: Technique "User Management" v3.0: If the password is not set, the password component is in a "No answer" status * Bug #5312: Technique "Enforce a file content" v5.0: post-hook modification reporting is in "Uknown" status if we request a mix of insertion, deletion and/or replacement * Bug #5314: Popup content can be displayed outside of popup if content grow after initialisation * Bug #5315: Process management technique uses invalid syntax (double action attribute for a single promiser) on CFEngine 3.5+ * Bug #5318: Technique "Enforce a file content" v5.0: post-hook modification reporting is in "No answer" status if the file is correct * Bug #5325: Technique "Set the permissions on files": We can't set the SUID/SGID * Bug #5328: Technique "Fstab Configuration": it empties all options with Rudder 2.11 * Bug #5348: Screenshots are not Rudder 2.6 compliant * Bug #5370: Apache documentroot for SLES seems misconfigured * Bug #5380: A whitespace added in debian/control of rudder-agent prevent it to be builded on Debian-like OSes