# 2.11.12 2015-07-07 Maintenance release 12 for 2.11 version * Bug #6263: Startup links for rudder-server-root on Ubuntu are not correct - before 3.1 * Bug #6698: Ncf init fails in webapp postinst * Bug #6699: Rudder-reports does not find correct postgresql service when using systemctl * Bug #6700: Promises.st can't load ncf on windows * Bug #6703: Error about ldconfig during rudder-agent installation on AIX * Architecture #6713: Add a caching system to rudder build system * Bug #6724: Cannot save technique with ncf builder - error during the API call to the technique library reload * Bug #6830: AIX installations output errors due to "cp -a" usage * Bug #6915: Cf-agent writes incorrect files when the server answers too slowly during recursive copy * Bug #6916: We can't use cf-runagent because port is not taken into account in the body runagent control * Bug #6929: Windows is unable to load ncf directories