# 2.11.15 2015-10-16 Maintenance release 15 for 2.11 version * Bug #6379: post.write_technique.commit.sh should not fail on empty commit * Bug #7205: No service pack is reported when lsb_release is installed on SLES * Bug #7211: System technique's curl should follow redirects * Bug #7241: Patch not applied on fusion inventory * Bug #7243: Check-rudder-agent fails on an error while checking processes * Bug #7245: check-rudder agent ps error * Bug #7249: Invalid variable name for vzps command in check/init script of rudder-agent * Bug #7253: Patch adding Rudder.pm is noit correct * Bug #7255: Ssh key distribution cannot distibute several keys on one user (branch 2.11, versions 2.0 and 3.0) * Bug #7257: Rudder agent doesn't build with hardening flags * Bug #7258: Syntax error in specfile on rudder-agent * Bug #7260: Add stack protection to hardening * Bug #7265: Writting promises should be parallelized * Bug #7267: Root server's apache config does not honor < 2.4 for webdav * Bug #7268: Network list for apache 2.4 is invalidly generated * Bug #7271: CFLAGS are ignored by cfengine configure * Bug #7272: Ubuntu 10.04 patches does not apply anymore * Bug #7273: if compilation flags tests fails, rpm build fails * Bug #7276: cfengine 3.6.0 doesn't compile with -Werror=format-security