# 3.1.14 2016-10-03 maintenance release 14 of 3.1 branch * User story #4405: Technical logs are limited by 1000 entries which give less important information (less than 3 hours information) when the number of a Directive is high (more than 50) * Bug #6121: Some nodes may have outdated inventories on the server * Bug #6124: Rudder agent ignores virtual network interfaces * Bug #6442: Missing documentation about how to completely reinitialise a node * Bug #6953: The agent refuses to work on files with symlink in their path * Bug #6958: RPM package install doesn't report properly if there is twice the same package * Bug #7060: cfengine stops processing a promise on symlinks * User story #7843: Add 6.0 in API versions list * Bug #7909: Bad URL example in compliance API doc * User story #8113: Backport if_feature and if_version * Bug #8260: JSON output in cf-promises is limited to 2048 chars for strings * Bug #8521: Don't report error when the copy of the license file for CFEngine Enterprise fails * User story #8563: Make the quicksearch bar in menu able to also search rule, group, directive, etc * Bug #8628: 'ip' fields in techniques/directives does not support ipv6 * Bug #8724: ncf file_ensure_key_value.cf is broken on 2.11 * Bug #8750: outputs folder is cleaned at each run * Bug #8794: The agent fails writing fields in lines longer than 4k * Bug #8796: Latest rudder-techniques needs a specific ncf version * Bug #8799: Rudder script engine seems incompatible with some JRE versions * Bug #8804: Give more precise requirements for JVM to manage AIX sha256/512 passwords * Bug #8824: Zypper repo management "Delete all other repositories than those managed by Rudder" is broken * Bug #8825: crontab frequency does not support reserved string @reboot * Bug #8849: Normalize prompt/command display in the doc * Bug #8850: We need a run with the initial promises before being able to update the promises * Bug #8867: Webapp: sorting by recent changes doesn't work * Bug #8876: The file rsyslog.d/rudder.conf might not be embedded in rudder-reports (db on a separate server) * User story #8884: Change .pgpass configuration to use the right values * User story #8886: Allow to look for past reports and event logs using a date selector, so they are not limited last 1000 entries * Bug #8897: The search bar sometimes hides the page title in webhelp doc * Bug #8899: Typo in error message when ldap is empty * User story #8908: Document separate database configuration in Rudder * Bug #8909: missing rudder_expected_reports.csv.res when starting the agent for the first time after an update - technique changes * Bug #8911: missing rudder_expected_reports.csv.res when starting the agent for the first time after an update - technique changes - 3.1 branch * Bug #8913: Improve documentation on directive API on update and creation * Bug #8917: Code blocks in the doc overflow the page width * Bug #8921: The FusionInventory Rudder task does not work on Windows and will not return server roles * User story #8925: Use rudder commands directly inside other rudder commands * Bug #8926: Agent sometimes fail to apply package actions because of global lock * Bug #8936: JS scripting engine is broken with IBM JDK 7 (and 8) * Bug #8937: Wrong display of Rudder versions in the doc * Architecture #8941: Use full path when calling subcommand * Bug #8953: Virtual machines considered as physical nodes * Bug #8954: Typo in 'Package version match' in "Package management for RHEL / CentOS / SuSE / RPM systems" technique * Bug #8957: Rudder Directive Rest API does not parse json parameters correctly * Bug #8966: Fix rights on /var/rudder/ncf/local/50_techniques/ in the copy body - wrong merge in 3.1 * User story #8973: rudder command suite bash autocompletion * User story #8974: Install bash autocompletion from the package * User story #8975: Add a qa-test to techniques repo * Bug #8979: Fail while building perl modules on Ubuntu 16.04 for Rudder 3.1/3.2 * Bug #8980: Update 3.0->3.1 on SLES commits and rebuilds vanilla system techniques * Bug #8991: wget doesn't always work * Bug #8993: Inventory is not parsed if OPERATINGSYSTEM/NAME is missing * Bug #9001: [rudder-packages] invalid spec files for SLES12 SP1 * Bug #9013: outputs folder is cleaned at each run * Bug #9023: rudder-server-relay Makefile misses WGET def * Bug #9035: Typo in common technique reports * User story #9042: Add a dependency on an ncf version with the new list-compatible-inputs * Bug #9043: Malformed patch in 7060 * Bug #9049: Some KVM virtual machines considered as physical nodes * User story #9057: Allow the use of node properties info in Directive parameters * Bug #9058: Broken RPM packageing of bash completion * Bug #9071: Broken patch in 8953 * Bug #9076: Forbid agent reinit on the root server * Bug #9077: Inventory "toInt" error when parsing report with VIRTUALMEMORY = 2297795780 * Bug #9082: Kept classes are not defined when editing fields in a file in warn only mode * User story #9083: Add item names in compliance API * User story #9090: Allow to use JS script in text/textarea * Bug #9091: The "rudder" init script tries to stop slapd before jetty * User story #9093: Document the new quick search bar * User story #9100: Remove if_feature and if_version for now * User story #9102: Make the new Quicksearch UI beautiful * Bug #9106: If properties.d doesn't exists, cf-promises fails with an "error 'cf_null'" * Bug #9113: Techniques use ${sys.workdir} for paths of ressources files (ex: properties), which prevent their validation by the Web Interface during policies generation * Bug #9114: Merge error in update.cf * Bug #9117: Quicksearch test broken and attribute inconsistencies * Bug #9118: Control.bestEffort duplicate the last failure * Bug #9121: Quicksearch is not looking for multiline inputs * User story #9122: Use hostname for Nodes instead of name in compliance api names * Bug #9123: Builds are failing with "stack overflow error" in typer * Bug #9129: Bad title style for quicksearch activation in admin tab * Bug #9133: Quicksearch does not enforce user authorizations * Bug #9134: The link to the quicksearch doc is wrong in 3.1 * User story #9135: Improve technical and event log datepicker UX * Bug #9138: rudder agent fails on aix * Bug #9140: Wrong title hierarchy in quicksearch setting * Bug #9141: When there is missing and received reports, we don't see the received one * Bug #9142: rudder agent version doesn't work on old rpm versions * Bug #9143: Embedded openssl command doesn't work on aix * Bug #9145: AIX inventory tries to report on cpuid.arc * Bug #9147: Remove stray patch after Rudder.pm fusioninventory correction * User story #9152: Document node properties usage * Bug #9156: ncf compatibility cache not updated after Rudder upgrade * Bug #9157: JS Script, Node Properties expansion and Quicksearch should be disabled on migration * Bug #9159: The computing of missing+other status is not correct * User story #9160: Disable features (quicksearch, js engine, node properties) on upgrade * Bug #9161: Correct node properties documentation link in Rudder 3.1 * Bug #9168: Empty page "Rudder -API settings"