# 3.1.15 2016-10-05 Maintenance release 15 of 3.1 branch * Bug #9174: Rudder bash completion does not handle correctly commands containing dashes * Bug #9178: Broken test since compliance computation changed * Bug #9180: Typo in doc for new scripts evaluation and node properties * Bug #9183: quicksearch returns system rules/directives/groups * Bug #9184: If a technique ncf has a ${node.properties[..]}, generation fails * Bug #9185: Cannot change twice the setting for node properties and quicksearch * Bug #9186: We must not use proprietary font "segoeui.ttf" * Bug #9190: Script evaluation is not limited to password fields anymore * Bug #9193: The PowerShell list-compatible-inputs version should be executed with Bypass ExecutionPolicy * Bug #9194: Two level of 'directives' in directive API * Bug #9195: Quicksearch does not work on "is enable", directive name, and a lot of others * Bug #9197: Quicksearch does not redirect to a rule when you are on the rule page. * Bug #9198: Script evaluation is not limited to password fields anymore - settings page * Bug #9210: The quicksearch "in" keyword is "enabled" and not "isenabled" * Bug #9212: Quisearch does not show any nodes * Bug #9219: Searching on os type does not work * Bug #9221: When searching for a node "in:xxx", we see node id in place of node name * Bug #9224: Quicksearch with in:parameter_[name,value] leads to error 500 on server