# 3.1.17 2016-12-13 Maintenance release 17 of 3.1 branch * User story #2428: Create a Technique that allows for arbitrary command execution, and optionnaly execute a command based on the output * Bug #3040: Package management for RHEL / CentOS / SuSE / RPM systems : Reporting about installation is wrong when a package is not available or met dependencies problem * Bug #3646: Technique "Dowload a file from shared-folder" is not working properly with a source file and a directory as destination * Bug #4092: On Firefox 10 the tooltips of each Directives does not disappear * Bug #4118: Tooltip stays open in Technique libray page when clicking too many times on Techniques * Bug #4302: Directive based on a modified Technique should be saved. * Bug #4335: Impossible to upgrade rpm packages via RPM Technique * Bug #4336: rudder-agent could not get an updated configuration from the policy server * Bug #4406: Strange warning about Store Agent Run Times * Bug #4422: Horizontal scroll bar in Rule Categories while it shouldn't be there * Bug #4450: More than one message per directive * Bug #4732: Package management Ubuntu doesn't respect Package version number (optional) * Bug #4735: Postgresql (8.3, on SLES11) database grows apparently without limits (9.1 too?) * Bug #5828: Missing st file * Bug #5963: If an event logs contains long lines it is not displayed properly * Bug #6024: Rudder API documentation doesn't include API version 5 * Bug #6167: When we reduce the run interval of nodes, "no data" may be wrongly reported * Bug #6197: Spurious slapd.confe in folder /opt/rudder/etc/openldap/ * Bug #6287: Rudder memory usage for a small installation must hold in a 4G server * User story #6313: Rudder 3.0 node info misses the "current report version identifier" * Bug #6326: On rudder 3.0 main page, nodes marked good have the same color as nodes marked applying * Bug #6448: Error 404 after rebooting system * Bug #6631: Interface name not correctly detected in search * Bug #7134: Rudder API timeouts when passing wrong parameters * Bug #7726: Agent watchdog (check-rudder-agent) doesn't kill fusion * User story #7732: Add a "known issues" section * Bug #7973: Rudder API doc is invalid for getting the list of pending nodes * User story #8127: On agent, check inventory before sending it to Rudder server * Bug #8792: Transient ncf error when updating from 3.1.10 to 3.1.12 * Bug #9182: Multiple errors "The postgresql process was not running and has been restarted" * Architecture #9201: Add basic infrastructure to test REST API * Bug #9235: Explain in the reports of system techniques that we do not need to manage the cron service on AIX * Bug #9253: Cleanup node properties documentation * Bug #9267: Missing top of eventLog datetime picker on small screen * Bug #9317: Wrong warn log report in ssh techniques on sles >= 11 * Bug #9326: Setting nodeProperty over API does fail on bad key order * Bug #9327: Error on inventory of policy servers: Error when parsing an entry, that agent will be ignored. <- could not parse policy server id (tag POLICY_SERVER_UUID) from specific inventory * Bug #9335: Some QEMU systems are wrongly detected as physical system * Bug #9368: API Documentation: Delete node shows example of accept node * Bug #9388: Syntax error in fusion technique * User story #9393: Use release info to get ncf version to use in doc * Bug #9402: Node properties update doesn't invalidate node configuration hash * Bug #9406: Missing logger information for quicksearch in logback.xml * User story #9422: Update documentation to have version independant repo * User story #9439: Use $releasever in upgrade section for RHEL * Bug #9466: Broken doc build * Bug #9496: Virtual machine detected as physical * Bug #9508: Broken initial promises: rudder/cfengine-community/inputs/inventory/1.0/fusionAgent.cf:500:10: error: syntax error * Bug #9522: If we copy and paste the documentation to install rudder on RHEL, the $releasever get replaced by nothing * Bug #9556: fusion agent fail to build on ubuntu 16 * Bug #9558: fusion agent fail to build on ubuntu 16 * Bug #9559: fusion agent fail to build on ubuntu 16 * Bug #9561: The API alive check may hang forever * User story #9564: Build final doc for releases in rc status * Bug #9566: Firefox stalls after TLS handshake on self signed certificate * Bug #9567: Mention port 80 in manual * User story #9570: Make rudder-doc gitignore more complete * User story #9586: Move techniques reference doc to the manual * Bug #9591: Firefox stalls after TLS handshake on self signed certificate * Bug #9594: Missing newline at the end of 73_techniques_best_practices.txt * Bug #9595: Missing points in reports descriptions * Bug #9596: Wrong description for result_na in reports reference * Bug #9597: Broken links in techniques doc * Bug #9608: Wiki documentation broken URL * Bug #9613: On Ubuntu 16.04, openjdk 9 is installed by default, and not recognized as a compatible version * Bug #9618: Typo in rudder agent run failure message * Bug #9621: Manual is broken because of some new syntax in ncf doc * Bug #9622: Fusioninventory is not tracked by check-rudder-health * Bug #9627: rudder-plugin external-node-information fails to load on 3.1.16 * Bug #9628: Bad file indicated in Java memory config chapter * Bug #9630: Compressing the ldap backup hangs if would require to overwrite it * User story #9637: Rudder error pages should not change transport * Bug #9640: Delete slapd.confe * Bug #9674: Wrong group parameter during installation of rudder-webapp * Bug #9685: Add a warning comment for password change in rudder-web.properties * Bug #9703: Degraded style of text areas in directive forms * Bug #9718: Bad action name when deleting a node. * Bug #9721: Bad plugin installation info on doc * Bug #9726: Improve error messages in "rudder agent update" * Bug #9741: Creating an empty group with no search criteria messes up GUI * Bug #9742: API allows to create duplicate UUIDs at group creation * Bug #9744: No server inventory in web interface if /etc/hosts is not correctly configured * Bug #9749: rudder-upgrade should use the database name from the webapp configuration * Bug #9761: Allow to only install a specific version in apt and rpm techniques. * Bug #9764: Script that validate inventory is not correctly called on Windows