# 2.3.5 2011-12-14 * User story #1973: The popup "View policies" in the Accept new server page could be renamed * User story #2024: Extend the cron PT to permit the input of Linux-style intervals (0/5) * Bug #2043: We have to use our mirror links to download jetty, cfengine, maven and openldap tarballs in the packages * User story #2055: Create a PT to set a tripwire on some files or directories * Bug #2090: filePermissions PT should warn when trying to set permissions on a link * Bug #2091: Error in search with two "regex" match and a "or" composition * Bug #2111: rudder-init.sh doesn't allow many networks * Bug #2112: Update from 2.3.0 to 2.3.4 doesn't add shared files folder * Bug #2113: PT cron daemon configuration regex for matching frequency doesn't support "30 23 * * 1-5" * Bug #2116: PT copyFileFromSharedFolder: Files doesn't have good owner, group and permissions * Bug #2118: PT file AlterationMonitoring: When a monitored file is removed, no alert is thrown * Bug #2121: The SQueryl implementation is not thread safe * User story #2123: PT Tripwire: Extend the checks to include all parameters like date, owner ... * Bug #2124: PT fstabConfiguration: mount points are modified even if they are commented * Bug #2126: PT Services Management: Process name textbox is marked as "optionnal" but if not filled, reports return error * Bug #2127: PT Services Management: Process running at boot which shouldn't be set to start on boot are still running at boot * Bug #2128: PT fileAlterationMonitoring always returns error when monitoring a file * Bug #2129: PT fstabConfiguration: deleting a mount point only works with origin, not destination * Bug #2131: The cron management PT has a broken regexp