# 4.1.0~beta2 2017-02-03 Maintenance release 0~beta2 of 4.1 branch * User story #9350: Improve some UI elements * User story #9684: Warn the user if rudder agent is not run as root * User story #9714: Remote run API should use relay API * User story #9754: Adapt documentation for 4.1 * User story #9836: Deprecate API v5, v6 and v7, and remove API v2,3,4 * User story #9891: Automatically set year in Rudder interface at build time * Architecture #9917: Requires Java8 (jdk8) for Rudder 4.1 * Architecture #9918: Update maven compilation target to java8 in rudder-paren-pom * Architecture #9919: use suse_version instead of sles_version during build * Bug #9922: Broken relay build on RHEL7 * User story #9960: Reorganize Rules page interface * User story #9978: Document datasource API * Bug #9995: Forbid modification of properties set by datasource * Architecture #9996: Extend rudder-sign to add new information * Bug #10001: Allow to restrict edits on sudoers during install * Bug #10002: Broken RPM packaging of sudo conf * Bug #10003: Not having set %{real_name} does operate on /bin * Bug #10010: When I save a Directive, after cliking "save", it's not possible to scroll anymore in the Directive tree * User story #10017: Improve data sources UI * Bug #10026: Datasource config: missing interpolation of rudder params in request header * User story #10027: Add a POST option for datasource queries * Architecture #10032: Update dependencies to work with Java 8 * Bug #10033: Automatic install of jdk in the packaging fails on rhel * Bug #10035: Automatic install of jdk in the packaging fails on rhel * User story #10036: UI to define tags on Rules/Directives * Bug #10037: Add a dependency to java8 oracle installer on debian * User story #10038: Remove a part of webapp SElinux conf * User story #10039: Document data sources feature * Bug #10040: Make webapp build on debian with java 8 * Bug #10041: Remove rudder-apache-common.conf in postinstall * Bug #10042: The build is broken since dependencies update * Bug #10043: Missing refresh API for one data source only * Bug #10044: Make webapp build on debian with java 8 * Bug #10045: Make webapp build on debian with java 8 * Bug #10046: Make webapp build on debian with java 8 * Bug #10048: Make webapp build on debian with java 8 * User story #10050: Remove all datasource code from Rudder main and add needed hooks * Bug #10051: When upgrading agent on Centos6 from 3.1 to 4.1, all promises are replaced by initial promises * User story #10052: Bug in the parent ticket - removed file from the sources * Bug #10053: Java error in webapp * Bug #10054: Change headers AND params in datasource api to be an array * Architecture #10055: Permit skipping scala build within packages * Bug #10059: An agent upgraded from 3.1 to 4.1 cannot fetch its promises * User story #10062: Add tag search in quicksearch * Bug #10063: Use dependencyManagement in parent pom * Bug #10064: Remove dependecies inherited from parent-pom dependencyManagement in rudder-core * Bug #10065: Wrong permission for /etc/sudoers.d/rudder-relay file on Sles * Bug #10068: The user trying to open nodes list in relay-api is not rudder * Bug #10072: On CentOS relay API uses /etc/httpd/logs/wsgi.18610.0.1.sock * Bug #10074: Rules display is broken in the directives page * User story #10076: Cannot save directive due to a wrong tag in rule page * Bug #10078: Too many dependencies installed for Debian8 * Bug #10082: Cannot save rules on the rule page on 4.1 beta * Architecture #10087: Parent broke local repository cache * Bug #10091: Wrong ncf version dependency in 4.1 * Bug #10094: Improve new Rules interface * Bug #10095: java.lang.RuntimeException: null with inventory-endpoint * Bug #10096: Update in scala-ldap (java8) * Bug #10097: Configured Hicari-CP is not the java8 version * Bug #10099: Use declared dependencies from parent pom in ldap-inventory * User story #10100: Remove datasource migration script from packaging * User story #10101: Rudder server remote run api should bypass ssl verification * User story #10104: Substitute the @PACKAGING_CURRENT_YEAR@ in rudder code * User story #10106: Remote run api does not read correctly the output of rellay request * Bug #10108: Audit info tooltip title for first rule is not visible * Bug #10111: the relay api shoud read nodeslist on each call * Bug #10112: the relay api shoud read nodeslist on each call * Bug #10113: asynchronous call on relay remote run api makes an error