# 4.1.13 2018-07-18 Maintenance release 13 of 4.1 branch * Bug #3672: Technique "Enforce a file content" v3.2: post-modification hook produce false compliance * Bug #3993: Technique 'Service Management': Having more processes than authorized return success * Bug #5928: We can save several times in a row a group without having the "no modification" error * Bug #6343: When a technique reports several time the exact same text, there is only one report generated * Bug #6395: Technique userManagement does not change shell * User story #7490: Make the agent resend the inventory if sending failed * Bug #7513: Result classes are the same for check_* and install_* (legacy) package generic methods * Bug #7777: Rudder-agent provides rudder-agent without a version * Bug #8436: Getting server uuid fails on agent with old openssl * User story #8578: There is no way to understand how "Variable from JSON file (dict)" works without reading the technique code * Bug #8621: Agent uses malfunctioning "aptitude" for updates checking in debian|ununtu * Architecture #10709: Use openssl 1.1 on compatible OS * Architecture #10907: Synchronize package modules from masterfiles * Bug #11284: Warn during inventory if sending through http not https * Bug #11683: Process management: stopped sends multiple reports. * User story #11757: Add a centreon plugin * User story #11878: Change max field length from 2k to 16k in the UI * Bug #11889: The red cross in case of generation problem is not visible enough * User story #12127: Backport options for yum package provider * Bug #12154: Create a generic method to define environment variable * Bug #12155: Detection of minicurl and https is done in conflicting ways * User story #12237: Add examples in documentation of condition_from_expression * Bug #12283: GUI problem with long strings in reporting * Bug #12331: rudder-pkg must disable plugin during major version Rudder update * Bug #12355: Tags in directives are ignored in POST API * Bug #12360: It's difficult to know if the node property added is valid json * Bug #12481: When logged > 3 times, oldest session is logged out but not immediately * Bug #12507: Typo in generic method File content * Bug #12539: Upgrading from a SP'ed SLES to a GA keeps the Service Pack field * User story #12593: Add support for BSD-style init scripts services (rc.d) (slackware) * Bug #12604: Generation gets stuck when cf-serverd is not running * Architecture #12655: Use pylint to verify python code in rudder repo * Architecture #12656: Use pylint to verify python code in rudder-plugins * Bug #12662: Some more buttons to make consistent * User story #12681: Add a command line option to run the agent in full compliance mode * User story #12684: Add a package module for cfengine supporting slackware * User story #12687: Add an entry for the slackware package module in the packageManagement technique metadata * Bug #12700: Add zypper_pattern provider in package technique * Bug #12702: Method copyResourceFile is quite inefficient * Bug #12705: Archive API always tells "group" even for other objects * Bug #12707: Slackware is not known by Rudder * Bug #12713: Misleading error message in Services technique when range of number of process could not be repaired * Bug #12719: Some reports are duplicated between agent and postgres leading to "unexpected" compliance * Bug #12720: Technique Editor may ignores some error when authenticating, leading to unauthorized access * Bug #12725: We are missing a lot of timing measurement in policy generation * Bug #12730: Moving policies to their final position (last step of policies writing) could be improved * Bug #12733: Correctly display in the web interface the Slackware * Bug #12735: Unused formatter in policy generation spend a bit of time in policy generation * Bug #12736: loading page and 404 page does not use correct style when redirected by apache * Bug #12745: SSH Configuration Technique on AIX does not reload correctly sshd service when there's been a change * Bug #12747: apache overwrites error response from Rudder * Bug #12749: rudder-pkg should fail installation is a dependency is missing * User story #12761: Add the possibility to customize filters and tests for jinja2 templating * Bug #12765: System Techniques must not be added by reload technique, only updated, else they are duplicated * Architecture #12767: Add a test for custom jinja filters and tests and merge different modules folders * User story #12768: Fix tests after parent ticket * User story #12769: Improve documentation on adding tests & filters for Jinja2 * Bug #12771: Documentation should use full path to rudder-pkg for command examples * Bug #12774: Load modules from local ncf in Rudder policies * Bug #12793: Rudder agent needs 2 updates to work properly * Bug #12798: zypper module arch and version specification for zypper commands is not correct * Bug #12799: Force using epoch when installing a package with zypper * User story #12802: Change the documentation to tell the user to use the gpg key from the root path * Architecture #12810: Add binary dependency to rpkg format documentation * Architecture #12811: Synchronize the 'slackpkg' cfengine package module shipped with ncf with the official one * Bug #12814: The generation status does not show ongoing generation anymore * User story #12822: Add testing on sshKeyDistribution * Architecture #12823: Same as parent for dry-run * Bug #12834: We need to explicit version of scala-library in plugin-parent else one is pick at random from transitive dependencies * Bug #12854: Missing support of Ubuntu 18.04 agent in documentation * Bug #12859: Reports from multivalued variable lead to unexpected and should not * Bug #12863: Clean up the tests for sshKeyDistribution * User story #12864: Document plugin node-external-reports * Bug #12878: Error when running agent in 4.1 nightly * Bug #12881: If an "user" entry in inventory is ducplicated, inventory parsing crash with java exception * Bug #12884: Missing support for ubuntu 18_04 in technique aptPackageManagerSettings * Bug #12886: cron is always restarted since #12615 * Bug #12887: fail to restart certain services on Ubuntu because of incomplete detection of systemd/upstart * Bug #12889: spurious rudder_common_report_indexs_generic_index introduced by parent ticket * Bug #12893: In inventory, "motherboardid" is not the mother board id but the machine id * Bug #12898: Error in Plugin section for Node external reports * Bug #12901: Invalid ordering of elements in node external reports plugin * Bug #12916: When we add a section in the directive editor, it clears the content of the previous section * Bug #12917: typo introduced by parent ticket * Bug #12921: Wrong bundle name passed in 12154 * Bug #12922: Broken windows plugin install in 4.3 * Bug #12930: During an upgrade of Rudder, if a new generic method appears in ncf, that is also on local method, all is broken * Bug #12933: Improve parent ticket code * Bug #12934: Rudder-agent can not be installed on Ubuntu 18.04 (libssl dependency error) * Bug #12950: We don't correctly check plugin version to see if we need to disable it during upgrade * Bug #12951: Inventory is not sent if curl is not present * Bug #12956: Parent ticket does not solve the issue with broken policy generation * Bug #12970: Broken technique editor if a technique is in the browser cache, but has been removed from the FS