# 4.1.15 2018-10-22 Maintenance release 15 of 4.1 branch * Bug #4119: On mixed 32/64 bits RHEL/CentOS 5, dependencies of rudder-agent may not be installed * Bug #5972: If you run rudder agent too quickly it restarts jetty * Bug #6550: On windows node inventory files are not deleted * Bug #6602: The time lib doesn't work with windows - timestamp too big * Bug #8620: Bundle "fetchFusionTools": bug in OS version check * Bug #10274: Weird appearance of sub section in doc in Rudder 4.x * User story #10702: Make a nicer landing page for the user manual * Bug #10939: Rudder Version in rudder-pkg is hardcoded * Bug #11604: Some tests fail on Ubuntu 16.04 * User story #11928: Integrate quick install doc in the different sections as an alternative to manual configuration * User story #12164: Add a package provider for zypper patterns * Architecture #12625: Rename .txt to .adoc in doc sources * Bug #12806: zypper module does not handle specific version install on SLES 10 * Bug #12939: Package management technique fails to check if a package is absent in the "latest" version * Architecture #13172: Download sources from repository.rudder.io instead of www.normation.com * Question #13179: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "rudder" * Question #13184: password for user rudder in postgresql * Bug #13198: Fix bdb download link from repository.rudder.io * Bug #13210: Purge of rudder-webapp should not fail * Bug #13243: file_check_special tests are failing on debian * Bug #13249: Some ncf tests are too old and fails on many distributions * Bug #13277: Makefile fails if a symbolink link /usr/bin/ncf already exists * Bug #13278: Service test do not use any service to test on suse * Architecture #13295: Add sles 15 support to rudder-packages * Bug #13300: parallel build on rpmbuild hides build error * Bug #13305: old packages generic methods are failing on old debian * Architecture #13316: Upgrade openssl * Bug #13334: Bad mime type for our js files: application/js * User story #13405: Improve command "rudder server upgrade-techniques" * User story #13411: Create a script to fixup permissions in /var/rudder/configuration-repository * User story #13421: Document prefered method for techniques upgrades * Bug #13427: On error on nodecompliance SQL, logs are huge * Bug #13458: rudder server upgrade-techniques --autoupdate-technique-library fails when run during Rudder upgrade * Bug #13499: Doc download in webapp package does not work anymore * Bug #13505: rudder server command states that "Warning: Long arguments are not supported, you probably tried to use one!" - but it does support it * Bug #13514: Some tests are failing on ubuntu distros * Bug #13517: Policy generation fails definitively when postgresql is shut down during policy generation * Bug #13523: Tests on variable_string and variable_string_default GM are failing * Bug #13525: rudder-agent 4.1 install hangs on Debian 7 * Bug #13535: Some old tests are failing on centos * Bug #13537: Use new man page URL after doc URL redirect * Bug #13573: some ncf test are failing on SLES because they are trying to deal with packages that are not available * Bug #13582: Hikari pool autocomit configuration is incorrect, which can impact performance * Bug #13591: still some typos in package tests * Bug #13594: Debian package cannot build in 4.1 because of docs.rudder.io * Bug #13596: cebtos7 install_package_existant should be skipped * Bug #13608: file enforce content log file content which can have private info * Bug #13615: Bad explanation for generic variable overide priority cause people making the opposite of what is needed * Bug #13624: Document Amazon Linux compatibility * Bug #13632: Allow to report on same reporting parameters * Bug #13659: rudder-doc embedeed doesn't work anymore