# 4.1 * Architecture #11611: Port helloworld & datasource to use common-scala-plugin.mk * Architecture #11758: Separate scala plugin makefiles from generic plugin makefiles * Architecture #11951: Add a makefile to the repositoryto build plugins from the root * Bug #12171: Normalize plugin build structure * Bug #12197: More clean-up on blank template project * Architecture #12240: Add top-level make file target to generate licensed plugins * Architecture #12251: lib version is not parametrized in submodules * Bug #12257: Use pom-template.xml + makefile to avoid variables in artifact version in pom.xml * Architecture #12391: Make maven faster and correct MAVEN_OPS * Bug #12417: build.conf properties are not filtered (replaced) in plugin * User story #13265: Generate usable docs files from plugins * Bug #13283: Update build so that licensed binaries don't embed key/license