# 2.4.0~beta3 2012-08-14 Despite being a beta, this version included a merge of a set of features from master on the 18/07/2012 * User story #417: Duplicate directives * User story #459: Clone a group * User story #860: Manage the passwords during the installation * User story #1201: Should we really hide the Rudder server in the Rudder interface? * Bug #1676: Trying to disable or delete a PI after creation is not taken into account * User story #1686: In log events, display names of items in place of UUIDs * User story #1738: Rudder should take into account environment variables: display them in the inventory and search for them * User story #1769: PI appearance : description of fields in real page instead of tooltips * Bug #1932: Updated Directive is not selected in tree * Architecture #2192: Make cobertura, jenkins and Maven 3 work together * User story #2255: PT distributePolicy: apacheCheck: The WebDAV access for the inventories on the rudder should only give access to the Rudder allowed networks * User story #2427: Make Rudder log usable by sysadmin (i.e: looking like syslog) * Architecture #2452: Change the version number of the JAR/WAR for Rudder 2.5 * Architecture #2504: Upgrade to UnboundID 2.3.1 * Architecture #2505: Upgrade to Joda-Time 2.1 * Architecture #2506: Upgrade to JGit * Architecture #2507: Upgrade to Squeryl 0.9.5 * Architecture #2508: Upgrade to Common IO 2.3 * Architecture #2509: Upgrade to Spring 3.1.1 * Architecture #2510: Upgrade to Logback 1.03 * Architecture #2511: Upgrade to Scala-maven-plugin * Architecture #2512: Upgrade to Scala 2.9.2 * Architecture #2513: Upgrade to Specs 1.10 * Bug #2514: Remove unecessary JUnit dependency in rudder-web pom.xml * User story #2515: Add HTTP return code to all REST answers * Architecture #2520: Upgrade to Maven 3 in packaging * Architecture #2526: Fusioninventory-agent options * Bug #2536: Upgrade to Fusion Inventory agent 2.2.2 * Bug #2538: Spring security issues due to spring version upgrade * User story #2540: Make event log display human readable * Architecture #2571: Design multiple templates for all event types in events log * Architecture #2572: Implement templates for all event types in events log * User story #2581: New datas from inventory (fusion 2.2.x) without touching rudder informations * Bug #2583: Upgrade CFEngine to 3.2.4 * Architecture #2587: Make the webdav password available as a StringTemplate system variable * User story #2594: Apply a Rule to multiple Groups * User story #2595: Managing user authorizations * Architecture #2597: Make event logs details asynchronous * User story #2598: When compliance is displayed, allow to look for details about the compliance * Architecture #2602: Clean-up Rudder configuration.properties * Bug #2609: After an upgrade from 2.4.0~alpha7 to a nightly build, LDAP connections could not be established * Architecture #2610: Rename rudder-core/..../domain/log to .../eventlog * Bug #2615: Some "Deployment started automatically" events are clickable but they show nothing when we click on them * User story #2616: Display reporting with a drill down to the component level on the Node page * User story #2617: On the rule page, display the reporting with a browsable view of details (directive, component, component value) * User story #2621: Documentation about user authorizations * Bug #2622: DistributePolicy promises refers to non-existing templates * Bug #2624: Missing trailing "/" in NODE_PROMISES_PARENT_DIR_BASE constant * Bug #2625: The rudder-passwords.conf should now be generated and managed by the packaging * Bug #2628: Missing fusioninventory-agent in rudder-agent package * Bug #2629: Rudder agent can not authenticate to webdav anymore * User story #2631: Add a way to limit cf-agent test in rudder server dev VM * Bug #2634: Environnement variables not accepted (value duplication) * Bug #2635: Starting jetty complain about directory missing on SuSE * Bug #2638: Missing "passwordCheck.st" in initial-promises * User story #2639: Create a migration script for the eventlog * Bug #2644: Building rudder-agent fails as it cannot find Compress::Raw perl libraries * Bug #2647: cursor in directives selection in rule creation should not be the text selector. * Bug #2648: Networks allowed to communicate with the endpoint are not correctly set * Bug #2649: When modifying (activating/desactivating) a rule, and specifying a reason, the event log does not display it correctly. * Bug #2650: The reason field is ignored in group management * Bug #2654: Loads of cf-execd leads to OOM killer * Bug #2655: rudder-plugin-helloworld from branch 2.5 doesn't compile anymore * User story #2657: Improve web interface forms * Bug #2660: The password checking distributePolicy Technique fails to edit the .properties files properly * User story #2661: Add a promise in common to prevent from too many cf-execd * Bug #2662: When updating a rule with a used name, it should failed * Bug #2663: When updating/creating a directive with a used name, it should failed * Bug #2664: An "Rule modified" event log with a target change is not displayed correctly * Bug #2665: There is a missing root server ldap inventory entry when migrating to a new Rudder 2.4 * Bug #2666: If there is a error in a clone group form, no error is played * Bug #2667: Problem in presentaton in clone group popup * Architecture #2668: Replace rudder-cfengine-community by rudder-agent for the packages required with rudder-server-root * Architecture #2669: Merge node and root initial promises in order to use rudder-agent with rudder server * Bug #2670: The intial promises are not up to date * Bug #2672: Duplicate index name in PSQL initiation script * Bug #2673: Quick links to "create a group" or "create a directive" have disappeared from the Rules page * Bug #2674: Containers should not be selectable in group tree in Rule configuration * Bug #2675: Buttons in group screen are in confusing places * Bug #2676: When I clone a directive, then save the cloned one, the URL still points to the original * Bug #2678: After cloning a group, changes made are not saved * Bug #2679: After cloning a group, the cloned group is not selected in the tree in the groups screen * Bug #2680: Nonexistant variable "$(file_path)" appearing in reports from distributePolicy Technique * Bug #2681: Promise generation gets stuck in if SQL server is no longer accessible for a period * Bug #2682: passwordCheck promises in system Technique is a bit laxist about restarting services * Bug #2683: The promises.st file contains a reference to a non existent variable * Bug #2684: The fileFormat migration script for Rudder 2.4 (version 1) contains a flawed condition * Architecture #2685: Remove deprecated key "policies" in inventory xml file * Bug #2686: The "Rule Added" event log is not displayed correctly * Architecture #2687: Add class to check uuid of the machine and to know if it's a root server or a node * Bug #2689: The buttons on the "accept new node" pages have a broken layout * Bug #2690: htpasswd-webdav-initial is missing * Bug #2691: The inlining of radio button doesn't look great on some Directive forms * Bug #2692: Cache Spring IoC name resolution to make Rudder faster * Bug #2693: When creating a new rule, display edit parameters tab * Bug #2696: change rule information display in rule details * Bug #2697: Correct margin in home page and add disc image to list * Bug #2698: Inventories sent to endpoint are lost if jetty is restarted while endpoint work on them * Bug #2699: Upgrading from Rudder 2.3.8 to Rudder 2.4.0~beta3 fail at rudder-inventory-ldap stage (Debian Squeeze 64bits) * User story #2700: Display Compliance percentage for each level in rule compliance detail * Bug #2701: After a migration from 2.3.8 to 2.4.0~beta3, rudder can't search for itself in Node Management => Search Nodes * Bug #2702: After a migration from 2.3.8 to 2.4.0~beta3, the initial-promises of the server are not up to date * Bug #2703: When clicking on the % of compliance in the Rule detail screen, the line on which we click disapear * Bug #2704: The compliance % in the rule detail is not correctly computed * Bug #2705: Rudder webapp crashed with an XML parse error for applicationContext-security.xml file * Bug #2706: After a migration from 2.3.8 to 2.4.0~beta3, create a new directive or a new rule is very slow * Bug #2708: After reloading the page with F5 on a directive form, the selection is lost in the directives tree * Bug #2709: The database management page doesn't nicely handle SQL error * Bug #2712: Directly after a group is created, a cloned group doesn't copy the group criteria * User story #2714: change report display in node detail * User story #2715: display inventory date for process and environment variable tabs * Bug #2716: The term "policy" is incorrectly used in event log view for Rule change and the Directive link is broken * Bug #2717: When disabling a Rule, directives or groups can be deleted from it * Bug #2718: No event log for Technique delete or disable * Bug #2720: We shouldn't be able to delete the root node in Rudder * User story #2721: Display a message saying "This is the Rudder root server" on the node details of the root node * Bug #2722: During a migration from 2.3.8 to 2.4.0~beta3, rudder-upgrade script failed to reload techniques library resulting in the fail of the upgrade of Rudder * Architecture #2723: Add a logger for migration in opslog * Bug #2724: During a migration from 2.3.8 to 2.4.0~beta3, rudder-upgrade script failed at rudder-server-root stage without any other error message than "Errors were encountered while processing" * Bug #2725: After creating a directive then saving, the directives tree is no longer updated * Bug #2726: Typo in directive tree * Bug #2727: The cursor hover of category in directive tree in Rule management should be a hand * Bug #2737: There is a body name collision on local_dcp * Bug #2740: We can no longer delete a node, the delete button doesn't appear * Bug #2742: promises.cf generated on the nodes must contains bundlesequence calling to 'check_log_system' and 'e2s_enable' in order to send reports to the server * Bug #2743: After deleting a node, every associated rules displays an error * Bug #2744: promises.cf generated on the nodes must contains bundlesequence calling to 'check_red_button_status' and 'check_uuid' in order to check that CFEngine continue to apply the promises * Bug #2748: 404 in 2.4 Documentation * Bug #2750: When using regexp in nodes search, bad error arise * Bug #2753: When deleting a Directive after deleting the associated Rule, there is an error message. * Bug #2756: During a migration from 2.3.8 to 2.4.0~beta3 on SLES 11, zypper try to update rudder-cfengine-community package for more than 15 minutes, continue and result in a Rudder Webapp not usable with "No navigation defined" * Bug #2757: The reason field when disabling a technique have a wrong size * Bug #2758: Can't upgrade from 2.3 to 2.4 with apt-get * Bug #2759: We shouldn't be able to select multiple groups in group management * Bug #2760: Align text with checkbox in group form * Bug #2761: When pressing Raw Technical Details in event logs, the table size become to big for the window * Bug #2763: Remove "implicit numeric widening" warning * Bug #2764: In Event logs we shouldn't have a link to a node that doesn't exist * Bug #2766: In search screen, error on filter are not displayed on submit * Bug #2769: In form the "Cancel" button no longer work after a error is generate * Bug #2779: Change description of Rudder in Readme files * Bug #2780: Impossible to send inventory from a accepted node in 2.3 server to the same but migrated server. * Bug #2781: No promises are generated for a node which were pending in 2.3.9 nightly and accepted in 2.4.0~beta3 * Bug #2783: After a migration from 2.3 to 2.4.0~beta3, a dynamic group defined in Rudder 2.3 isn't updated automatically and doesn't add a new node accepted, even if this node correspond to this group * Bug #2784: /opt/rudder/bin/rudder-upgrade contains some LDAP password hardcoded * Bug #2785: If password in slapd.conf and rudder-web.properties don't match, upgrade script fails * Bug #2786: Upgrade script fail with new Technique not in library before migration. * Bug #2788: Click on node acception history only work for hostname * Bug #2789: In rudder-upgrade, if the migration from policy-templates to techniques fails, it is no more possible to upgrade and nothing happens * Bug #2790: Missing history.inventories.enable in inventory-web.properties after migration * Bug #2802: Rudder can't start after a migration if the Rudder Technique Reference Library branch is not the same than the /var/rudder/configuration-repository branch * Bug #2803: Initialization of LDAP credentials in rudder-upgrade script can match comments and several lines from rudder-web.properties