# 4.1.17 2018-11-27 Maintenance release 4.1.17 * Bug #3814: Attempting to install a non-existant package via yum should return an error (RHEL <= 5) * Bug #4398: Post-hook command for "file content" should be an error if command returned an error * Bug #4709: When a node is deleted, its generated promises are not removed * Bug #5154: Node key not deleted after deleting a node in the web ui * Bug #5925: On SLES, when we upgrade rudder-server-root, while a node is copying its promise, the copy is corrupted, and files are lost * Bug #6256: Sometime, in new group/category pop-up, the group type is visible with category selected * Bug #6259: Reporting on user management 6.0 is not correct when creating user * Bug #6271: "No matching rules!" when migrating directives * Bug #6327: Change the error message: There are directives based on techniques with different versions applied to the same node, please correct the version for the following directive(s): checkGenericFileContent * Bug #6435: "Unknown user '' in promise" when using user management technique v5.0 * Bug #6641: When we remove a technique from the editor, it is still available for new directive creation * Bug #6684: Cannot delete technique from user library if it was deleted from reference * Bug #6685: Wrong inventory display in the "List nodes" page * Bug #6846: Reporting is not ok when we must receive multiple reports * Bug #7103: When we have node in no answer/pending, with a directive acting several time on the same object, the compliance % is invalid * Bug #7119: Wrong reporting in rpmPackageInstallation when trying to update a non-existent package * Bug #7202: Technique Editor and Rudder Techniques Library isn't coherent * Bug #7654: Some links cannot be opened in a new tabs * Bug #7657: When you log in from a tab, all other tabs are disconnected * Bug #7853: If a node has a cfengine community + cfengine nova agent, the generation fails * Bug #8004: Technique "Cron job v3.0" does not use the "user" setting with predefined scheduled * Bug #8008: Scheduler classes have incomplete labels * Bug #8102: Missing reporting in "File permission" when the file name contains a CFEngine variable and the file does not exist * Bug #8622: Upgrade loading wheel with a new look * Bug #9087: Error on promises generation when there are no properties files * Bug #9149: Inventory keeps its key certified when node is deleted * Bug #9192: The error message for bad inventory signature is unclear * Bug #9325: If a node has both the community and nova agents, promises cannot be generated * Bug #9468: Minicurl fails for https connections * Bug #9506: 'rudder-agent-thin' package has multiple times the os name in its name * Bug #9643: rudder remote run is missing the hostname column * Bug #9731: When editing a Technique with the Technique Editor, logs refer to UnknownRestUser for * Architecture #10662: Generate a file containing the compliance mode * Bug #10689: Generic Method "permission dirs" incorrect reporting when target path is a file * Bug #10780: Encoding problem with MOTD directive on Windows * Bug #10834: During upgrade from 3.1 to 4.1, rudder-server-relay install may fail * Bug #10952: Error message when upgrading from 3.1 to 4.1 on Centos7 * Bug #11084: Rudder agent breaks syslog-ng config on Debian Lenny * Bug #11251: Setting MULTIINSTANCE to false in metadata.xml breaks multivalued section. * Bug #11318: rudder remote run error, and unable to pass -i option * Bug #11417: Command "rudder remote run -a" does not warn about missing token * Bug #11649: No way to delete stale entries from the Reference Technique library * Bug #11678: Mixed directive with enforced host and directive * Bug #11715: When "policy-server.dat" is missing, generated inventory is not legit * Bug #12058: Details of usage of technique "Variable from command output (string)" is not clear * Bug #12190: Start execution is misplaced in agent output when in changes only mode * Bug #12198: The password field allows storing a password without any selected hash * Bug #12230: /var/log/rudder/agent-check/check.log should contains only error level messages * Bug #12233: On Dashboard, when we have 100% of something, the pie is including a confusing white line * Bug #12410: Command "rudder agent reset" sets incorrect permission in /var/rudder/cfengine-community/inputs * Bug #12496: "rudder-keys change-key" does not check for key file existence * Bug #12857: Generic method "File_remove" can delete empty directories * Bug #12927: Move plugin docs into rudder-plugins-(private) * Bug #12960: Technique "cron job" refuses task user name if it contains hyphen * Bug #12992: "rudder agent info" returns invalid report mode for not yet accepted nodes * Question #13196: E| error DistributePolicy Synchronize resources Cannot propagate tools * Bug #13290: Broken reporting when copying a directory from the Rudder server without specifying the trailing / in the destination * Bug #13349: Quotes in reports are displayed as " in the web interface * Bug #13374: Tags in rules are ignored in POST API * Bug #13410: rudder server upgrade-techniques breaks permission * Bug #13457: Remove static ids in Password section * Bug #13530: Add full path to shared-folder in description of "Download file from shared folder" Technique * Bug #13562: "File key-value present" Generic Method and "Manage keys-values in file" Technique does not support | as separator * Bug #13679: On rudder-webapp upgrade, ncf.conf file is not commited * Bug #13772: Network group criteria not working * Bug #13785: "rudder-pkg enable-all" command fails when a plugin has no jar * Bug #13795: Remove old "machyne type" api Rest typo since it should not be called anymore * Bug #13803: Network, mask and gateway not correctly parsed from inventory * Bug #13804: Missing gateway, network in network interface details * Bug #13810: Update ldap node entries from ipNetworkNumber => networkSubnet * Bug #13814: "networkSubnet" is not correctly displayed in search select * Bug #13815: Test failing after fix on network node queries * Bug #13843: Inventory keeps its key certified when node is deleted even is keystatus is erased * Bug #13851: Upgrade CFEngine to 3.10.5 * Bug #13887: Option description for "File download (Rudder server)" technique is misleading