# 4.3.7 2018-11-27 Maintenance release 4.3.7 * Bug #6019: Node details shows Operating System Type: MSWin for Windows node rather than Windows * User story #7959: "rudder technique migrate" command to automatically upgrade all directives to a newer technique version * Bug #9474: Missing reports on password component on "User management" Technique in audit mode * Bug #9512: Bad log level during generation * Bug #10751: Add a warn message when agent run is incomplete * Bug #10917: "Not copying missing license file into" in webapp log * Bug #11131: Transitory error on LDAP at upgrade of Rudder 4.1 to 4.2 beta2 on debian8 * Bug #11402: Missing report in userManagement/8.0 on windows on password when the user does not exist * Bug #11443: Make Rudder works with Java 9 * Bug #11635: Error message when accepting an inventory * Bug #11653: Missing report with 'File and directory basics' Technique in audit mode when checking perms on non existing file * Bug #11702: Error message when accepting an inventory * User story #11818: Plugin for rasberry pi * Bug #12210: In technique editor, on save, we get "success" but some errors are shallowed * Bug #12462: "Configure the default state" is lacking explanations * Bug #12476: Unhelpful log entry when enabling/disabling an API account * Bug #12478: Error during upgrade from 4.2 to 4.3 in stretch * Bug #12482: Error when upgrading from 4.1.11 to 4.2.5 on Debian 9 * Bug #12599: Rudder agent 4.3 needs libxml-treepp-perl on debian * Bug #12649: Spinning compliance in nodes list on a disabled node * Bug #12653: Changing the access level of an api token requires clicking twice on save * Bug #12664: Remove unnecessary conflict dependency with openjdk 9 on debian * Bug #12926: No color difference on hover on the user menu * Bug #13251: Webapp displaying something strange upon regenerating policies * Bug #13418: Invalid value reported for Node expected reports saved in base in Rudder log * Bug #13489: Enforce checkbox tooltip in "Group management" Technique is misleading * Bug #13498: Embedded documentation in Rudder 4.3 has no CSS (and links to GM are 404'ing) * Bug #13511: In directive page, tooltip is not correctly aligned with text * Bug #13633: Some files in the techniques repository do not present any licence header * Architecture #13651: Cleanup the ncf repo * User story #13654: Add rudder server version to the Rest API (system/info endpoint) * Bug #13663: Missing spaces between key and message on rudder agent run report when using -w option * Bug #13671: Missing node state variable expansion in directive * Bug #13674: Compliance error (missing) when a directive is applied by two rules on a node * Bug #13682: server command based on jq should exit when jq is not installed and explain to install it * Bug #13688: The "hardware" tab is not displayed in accept new nodes screen * Bug #13717: Missing report for post-modification hook in Technique "File download (Rudder server)" * Bug #13718: When git is reinitialized, rudder cannot start * Bug #13770: There are still tables expectedreports & expectesreportsnodes on upgraded Rudder 4.x and 5.x, * Bug #13779: Button to enable a technique in Directive Screen is not working, should be a link to the Technique * Bug #13784: Fix path to jinja2_custom.py in jinja2 templating doc * Bug #13786: Missing report for component "Post-modification hook" when cleaning files with "File and directory basics" Technique version 4.1 * Bug #13788: Agent should depend on a logging system on SUSE * Bug #13792: Init check on group All classic Nodes known by Rudder (Using a CFEngine based agent) always tries to rewrite the group * Architecture #13805: Provide a rudder.json file with initial policies * Bug #13806: Add SUSE class on SLES systems * Bug #13809: Broken reporting when copying a directory from the Rudder server without specifying the trailing / in the destination - 4.3 branch * Bug #13816: Full path details to shared-folders in WebUI for "File copy from Rudder Shared Folder" Generic method * Bug #13832: table header display in rule page is not looking good * Bug #13835: Wrong text color in table header in Rule page * Bug #13839: Missing _ in slackware package name * Bug #13840: By default, the list of nodes screen displays only one line in the table * Bug #13841: Missing node policy mode in variable expansion in directive * Bug #13845: After a node is deleted, a policy generation is started every 5 secondes * Bug #13846: Don't create crontab entry at Rudder agent install but during first run * Bug #13848: Slackware agent cron.d is broken in system technique * Bug #13850: Slackware agent is not started at boot * Bug #13868: Add check of ncf.conf file existence before adding it * Bug #13883: Typo in "File content" generic method description * Bug #13885: Mustache templates are not processed at all (including cron.d/rudder-agent file) * Bug #13888: Option description for "dowload for shared files" is mileading and mixed use of folder/directory (rudder 4.3) * Bug #13891: Improve error messsage when path to install a plugin package is not correct