# 6.0 * Bug #16132: Update change validation and hello world to Rudder 6.0 * Bug #16134: Update change validation and hello world to Rudder 6.0 (private plugins) * Bug #16155: Bad rudder-plugins git-submodule reference in private plugins * Architecture #16351: Plugins don't compile anymore * Bug #16370: Release plugin for 6.0 * Bug #16371: Remove cfengine-entreprise related plugins in 6.0 * Bug #16562: Port public plugins to scala 2.13 * Bug #16630: Message indicating plugin is incompatible at the end of every plugin install from the repo * Bug #16656: need to update plugin-common-private to be compatible Scala 2.13 * Bug #16660: Update licence lib to 2.0 * Bug #16756: Prepare plugins for 6.0.3 release * Bug #16976: Create subscription plugins * Bug #16985: Ansible plugin doc has incorrect title * Bug #17032: Fix qa-test * Bug #17036: Change the Makefile command to find all plugin folder * Bug #17038: typo in qa-test * Bug #17042: Plugins should not use a hardcoded path for curl * Bug #17276: Clean pugin install docs * Bug #17990: Vault and consul plugins should not try to open config file if it doesn't exist * Bug #18979: Add licenses tag in plugins pom