# 6.0.5 2020-04-23 Maintenance release 6.0.5 * User story #8069: Better tracking of last seen state * Bug #15562: Error on importing Global Archive which has just been exported * Architecture #16297: Initial version of rudder-language * Bug #16430: Some alignement issues in the interface * Bug #16498: version 6.0.1-debian10 breaks /opt/rudder/etc/rudder-networks-24.conf * Bug #16552: Webdav password is ignored and access is granted for all nodes in allowed networks * Bug #16602: Add a logs documentation page * Architecture #16623: Publish arch-doc for http reporting/relayd in the repo * Bug #16629: Use only one ZIO threadpool to enhance performances * Bug #16678: Network requierement are invalid in the doc * Bug #16691: "Technique diverges" bug still persists * Bug #16722: When editing the content of a ressource, the "save" button is lowercase * Bug #16762: Inconsistent path for nodeslist.pem * Bug #16826: rudder agent reset does not ensure that ncf is up to date on the server * Architecture #16861: Build agent on solaris * Bug #16862: ncf fails to load on solaris * Architecture #16863: Update system techniques for solaris 11 * Architecture #16865: Add new API docs to the main doc menu * Bug #16866: Add relay API and webapp v12 to api doc * Bug #16870: Missing file in relay API * Bug #16875: Syntax errors in API doc - 6.0 * Architecture #16877: Add gnu path to rudder command on solaris * Bug #16888: Makefile fails to build properly without libacl * Architecture #16889: Standardize os name in agent postinst call * Architecture #16891: Build Agent on solaris 11.3 * Bug #16898: Hide remote run button for Windows agent * Bug #16900: "rudder agent factory-reset" restores old uuid instead of changing it * Architecture #16904: Aix package does not build anymore * Bug #16907: Slow permissions change of /var/rudder/share during upgrade * Architecture #16908: unexpected dependencies for AIX agent * Bug #16916: Trace log in policy generation is displaying the same value for two differents entries * Bug #16919: Edition link do not work anymore in the doc * Bug #16923: shared-files are not writable by relayd on upgraded servers * Bug #16929: Git configuration-repository object is created at each evaluation, impacting performance * Bug #16933: Documentation for variables is "splitted" in two * Bug #16936: update ncf api and technique editor readme * Bug #16940: Add DSC inventory hook documentation * Bug #16946: Infinite loop in `for` may leak memory * Architecture #16947: Move upgrade notes into "upgrade rudder" * Architecture #16957: Add a rust-toolchain file in relayd * Bug #16961: Broken parsing of openscap technique report * Bug #16970: Broken formatting of network requirements * User story #16972: Add enum aliases in rudder lang * Bug #16975: Vulnerability in a dependency of relayd benchmarking tool * Bug #16988: Add documentation on generic methods writing * Bug #16993: Can't insert method to end of method list in technique editor * Bug #16999: Add a reference documentation about methods writing * Bug #17005: Remove debian 5 from the list of supported os * Bug #17006: Upgrade Bouncy Castle GPG to latest minor version * Bug #17013: Remove rudder-plugin from makefile in branch 6.0 * Bug #17018: Precise in the documentation that the Windows agent does not currently support HTTPS report mode * Bug #17019: Policy generation must fail when report is HTTPS only and old agent are present * Bug #17030: Technique editor does not prevent user from cloning a technique with an already existing id * Bug #17034: Add better documentation on how to access technique parameter within a technique * Bug #17035: Add an example on how to apply condition_from_variable_match_regex to a technique parameter * Bug #17041: Windows agents are unable to access shared-folder * Bug #17043: Align Unix agent certificate configuration on the one used by Windows agents * Bug #17056: Menu scroll is broken * Bug #17059: Prevent creating techniques in an empty category * Bug #17062: Technique resources are not provided to Windows agent * Bug #17071: Broken dsc technique writer test * Architecture #17091: Add a page about pre-releases * Bug #17107: Systemd hardening generates error message on remote-run * Bug #17141: When we add a multiline description in a technique, it breaks policy generation and technique loadingg