# 6.1 * Bug #17448: Fix non compiling plugins after changes on Rudder * Bug #17587: Adapt plugin to 6.1 rc releases, especially properties Hocon format * Bug #17886: Optimize elm plugins * Bug #18386: Broken doc build * Bug #18470: Fix link to create-node API doc * Bug #18999: when we install a plugin, if the dependency (package manager) is not met, it still tries to install it and fails * Architecture #19166: Use https repos in maven config - private * Architecture #19167: Use https repos in maven config - windows * Bug #19187: Detection of dependencies for plugin can fail if the python lib of another distrib is present * Architecture #19230: Add dependency check for plugins * Architecture #19250: Check dependencies for each plugin * Bug #19253: Set vulnerability level to a higher value * Architecture #19283: A dependency check for private plugins * Architecture #19364: Reduce max CVSS score on plugins dependencies * User story #19419: Add typos check in the repository * Bug #19425: False-positive vulnerability in cve dependencies * Architecture #19434: Add CI checks to plugins-private * Architecture #19439: Add python and shell linters on plugins * Bug #19446: Document OpenSCAP on Ubuntu/Debian * Architecture #21190: Dockerize basic tests for plugins * Architecture #21191: Dockerize basic tests for private plugins * Bug #21192: Dockerize basic tests for private plugins * Architecture #21198: Dockerize dependency-check * Architecture #21208: Missing make dependancy * Architecture #21209: Dependency check fails