# 6.1.1 2020-07-03 Maintenance release 6.1.1 * User story #14206: Document how to use custom certificates * Architecture #16032: Inconsistent fonts in technical logs * User story #16915: Firewall technique * Bug #17542: Parent issue not fixed * Bug #17554: upgrading Rudder on Debian 9 from 5.0.17 to 6.1-rc1 tries to delete important folder * Bug #17627: Select node state in settings is confusiing for read_only user * Bug #17644: some errors when upgrading from 5.0.18nightly to 6.1-nightly on debian9 and 10 * Bug #17660: Node details summary compliance contains system rules * Bug #17678: when we create a group, we should go directly to the criteria page * Bug #17700: description of global parameter "rudder" is misleading * Bug #17702: When there is a serialisation error for parameter, their edit screen is unavaible * Bug #17722: Initial promises warning during agent setup * Bug #17724: error about rudder-lang in logs * Bug #17725: user with read_only right has button that allows write actions * Bug #17731: Content in header of plugin page overflows when custom from branding is activate * Bug #17737: handle techniques location path properly * User story #17738: add doc about logs and generated techniques * Bug #17745: Gear icon in save button always displayed * Bug #17746: Refresh screenshots for technique editor * Bug #17747: Resource path of a technique with a category different thant default category are wrong * Bug #17748: Update technique editor url used to get resources with a category * Bug #17750: "unsaved changed" technique editor pop-up appears when not needed * Bug #17760: Typos in technique editor documentation * Bug #17762: Typos in directive documentation * Bug #17765: error when installing rudder server root on debian 9 - 6.1 * Bug #17768: Replace deprecated generic methods in technique editor documentation usage * Bug #17771: Add link to further information in get started section * Bug #17775: Uncommited generic_methods.json in configuration repo * Bug #17776: When removing and adding a new method, the save button is disabled * User story #17781: Add screenshots for technique editor with annotation in get started documentation * Bug #17786: Missing parameters feature in technique editor doc * Bug #17787: Missing ressources feature in technique editor doc * Bug #17788: Missing markdown support for description in technique editor doc * Bug #17792: Broken link in apply advanced configuration get started doc * Bug #17793: Importing technique leads to a blocked editor * Bug #17794: Added resources are only displayed in the popup file manager * Bug #17804: Trying to add a group property with change request plugin enabled lead to blank property * Bug #17811: fix nasty random generation failure * Bug #17812: Remove args from data send by technique api (unused anymore, duplicates parameters) * Bug #17815: Group API compatibility broken as it now always expects "properties" * Bug #17823: Method_call are not empty since we did not return anymore * Bug #17824: parse parameters instead of args, but keep args for migration from old techniques format * Bug #17830: Updating property merge them in place of replacing them * Architecture #17834: Improve documentation about communication security * User story #17840: Add a rudder-by-example for git sync in shared-files * Bug #17843: Update screenshots in usage doc section * Bug #17845: Disable action buttons for read_only users * Bug #17852: correct format for variable in parent ticket * Bug #17855: Add trigger agent run feature from UI in get started * User story #17858: Add a Rudder by example for using Rudder server/relays as file mirror (for repos) * User story #17865: Add docs about configuration-repository, how to sync it and what can be modified or not from outside * Bug #17872: unsaved change technique popup when not necessary * Bug #17873: SLES12 upgrade error 6.0 to 6.1 * Bug #17874: Add support of Ubuntu 20 in doc * User story #17880: Add doc about network resiliency * Bug #17883: Can't access on technique editor * Bug #17885: make use of parameters instead of args * Bug #17888: Optimize elm application * Bug #17892: Typo in network resiliency documentation * Bug #17897: Save button is disable when a technique is imported