# 2.8.0~beta1 2013-10-16 Beta for 3.8 version * User story #748: Client name should be "CFEngine Community" instead of "Community" * Bug #2550: Bad query for ReportsJdbcRepository#findExecutionTimeByNode * User story #3610: Add 'status' option to the rudder-server-root init script * User story #3869: Integration of CFEngine 3.5.* into Rudder * User story #3877: Enable HTTP/S by default * User story #3878: Enable HTTP/S by default on Rudder 2.8 (integration) * User story #3879: Enable HTTP/S by default on Rudder 2.8 (vhosts in the rudder repo) * Bug #3923: 'delaycompress' is now applied on every logs in logrotate * User story #3935: Add option 'status' into /etc/init.d/rudder-server-root * User story #3937: When saving a Rule without target groups or directives, display a warning message * User story #3945: Store agent executions history in a 'lightweight' table, to speed up Rudder web interface * User story #3946: Add all mechanisms to store agent executions * User story #3947: Add call to execution repository when needed * User story #3948: Add warning when saving a Rule with no groups nor directives * User story #3952: Manage Change Request through REST API * User story #3953: Add change request API * User story #3977: Improve debug log when a Change Request can't be merged * User story #3978: Add debug logs to change request * User story #3979: Add upgrade script to add changeRequestLogger * User story #3986: Add informations about the upgrade process for Rudder 2.8 * User story #3987: Update documentation about the upgrade process for Rudder 2.8 * User story #3989: Adapt rudder-agent to CFEngine 3.5 (CFEngine sources and patches) * User story #3990: Update our CFEngine stdlib to the latest version which is transitionnal to CFEngine 3.5 * User story #4006: The rudder vhost should not change the DocumentRoot needlessly but use an alias instead for the loading page * User story #4007: Display Technique version used for each Directive in the Directives tree * User story #4008: In directive tree, display the Technique version used * User story #4010: All Apache logs should be sent to /var/log/rudder/apache2 * User story #4013: Remove the comma after the promisers and attribute 'owners' of body copy_from in the initial promises * User story #4015: Correct the source virtual host in Rudder to use the unified apache logging directory * User story #4016: Correct the packaging to use the unified apache logging directory * Bug #4017: The check for root server unicity is a too strict * User story #4023: Implement Relay Server within Rudder * User story #4024: Have the promises of servers in the correct location when we use relay server * User story #4027: Have proper variables for having within the promises to which nodes the promises should be shared * User story #4028: Add system variables definition MANAGED_NODES_NAME and MANAGED_NODES_ID within cf_clerk * User story #4029: Change the promises to be able to distribute the promises to the correct nodes * User story #4033: Add system variables filling MANAGED_NODES_NAME and MANAGED_NODES_ID in Rudder * User story #4034: Add documentation about change request API * User story #4039: cf-promises complains about non-existence of bundles set in the bundlesequence with the initial promises * Bug #4041: The promise which check Rudder binaries return error since the binary 'cf-report' has been remove since CFEngine 3.5.0 * Bug #4042: Remove comma after the promiser from passwordCheck in the distirbutePolicy inital promises * User story #4044: Display Node's Role on the Node detail page * User story #4045: Update the node details page to display the Role of a Node and it's policy server * User story #4046: Upgrade script commits updates of configuration-repository from the repository base directory * User story #4047: Change folder where rudder-upgrade commits * User story #4050: Manage the allowed network per policy server * User story #4051: Add a script in Rudder to switch a node to the relay server role * User story #4052: Adjust the distributePolicies for the relay servers * User story #4056: Document the relay server installation * User story #4057: Manage properties inside the web interface. * User story #4058: Handle properties within the webapp * User story #4059: Create migration script to create the database for node executions (rudder part) * User story #4060: Use an Apache Alias for the loading page instead of changing the DocumentRoot in the Rudder vhost * User story #4061: Deprecate properties that are now managed in the webapp * Bug #4067: The Rudder vhost fails to copy in Debian's rudder-webapp because of a naming issue * User story #4068: Add migration script for 'execution reports' process * User story #4069: Have meaningful properties name for the service that fetches agent run times * User story #4072: RudderDit in ldap query test is based on wrong DN * Bug #4073: Correct the packaging to use the right configuration files in rudder-webapp * Bug #4074: The rudder initial-vhost failed to merge correctly * Bug #4075: The rudder vhost changes make some rudder-upgrade steps unnecessary * Bug #4076: a2dissite in rudder-webapp postinst breaks if the vhost is not present anymore * Bug #4077: The rudder distributePolicy promises are invalid * User story #4078: Rename rudder-node-to-relay.sh to rudder-node-to-relay