# 7.0.4 2022-06-23 Maintenance release 7.0.4 * Architecture #19426: Update security doc for 7.0 * User story #21163: correct documentation of parent ticket * User story #21183: Add documentation to install Rudder server on Amazon linux 2 * Bug #21205: Broken build in 7.0 * Bug #21210: Typo in documentation to change ports used by rudder * Bug #21220: When upgrading to 7.1, techniques are not upgraded to the new format and reporting issue occur * Bug #21229: During upgrade of techniques, rudderc is used even if disabled * Bug #21230: Improve performance of display for agent version on homepage * Bug #21237: Upgrade spring-security to 5.5.8 to fix CVE 2022-22978 * Bug #21254: Missing API documentation for technique * Bug #21260: GetMetadataContent does not correctly retrieve content when a revision is given * User story #21296: Missing navigation menu for Amazon Linux 2