# 7.3.0~beta1 2023-02-13 Beta release 1 of 7.3 branch * User story #19726: It sould be possible to update directly the source of a technique * User story #20528: Broken report generated by rudderc when a method uses an outcome class from another one * Architecture #21308: Use resource type information in rudderc * Bug #21669: Stop using UUIDs as system token * Architecture #21795: Add security headers in Lift config * Bug #21796: Remove X-Lift-Version header * Bug #21797: Remove useless headers * Bug #21798: Add content in rudder's robots.txt * Bug #21801: Bad init order for the token generator used for system api token * Architecture #21802: Add security headers in Lift config - end * Bug #21803: Remove HSTS header from default config * Bug #21806: Rudder sessions never expire when the browser stays connected * Bug #21807: Redirect / to /rudder/secure to avoid login form if already connected * Bug #21808: Dont redirect other tabs to login form when session cookie is replaced * Bug #21809: Dont redirect other tabs to login form when session cookie is replaced - add a notification * Architecture #21825: Port code to ZIO2 * Architecture #21851: Improve Spring Security authentication configuration * Architecture #21854: Properly configure CSP violation handler * Bug #21855: Remove X-XSS-Protection header * Architecture #21864: Port private plugins to ZIO2 * Architecture #21866: Cleanup rudder-lang settings * Architecture #21875: Update Rust for 7.3 * Bug #21879: Remove beta header from 7.2 docs * Bug #21894: Compile error in master following scalac version update * Bug #21914: Add authorized license Unicode-DFS-2016 in relayd * Bug #21943: Broken session - lastNonCometAccessedTime has an unexpected value * Bug #21950: Remove ncf scripts * Architecture #21955: Remove ncf scripts - packages * Architecture #21961: Start docs for new technique yaml format * Architecture #21963: Make technique yaml format as complete as current technique.json * Architecture #21970: Disable agent syslog logging by default * Architecture #21971: Disable agent syslog logging by default - property * Architecture #21977: Disable agent syslog logging by default - stay compatible with old agents * Architecture #21989: Use docsearch v3 for search integration * Architecture #21990: Use docsearch v3 for search integration - styling * Architecture #21998: Auto-format scala code (master) * Architecture #22031: Remove 6.2 and 7.0 from doc menu * Architecture #22035: Remove 6.2 and 7.0 from doc menu - makefile * Architecture #22040: Remove rudder-lang code * Architecture #22049: Update scala dependencies to latest version * Architecture #22051: Update elm dependencies * Architecture #22054: Generate a proper metadata.xml * Bug #22064: Ignore files from policies/repos in shell tests * Architecture #22068: Update to CFEngine 3.18.3 * Architecture #22069: Update to masterfiles 3.18.3 * Architecture #22070: Update server dependencies for 7.3 * Architecture #22071: Update agent dependencies * Bug #22072: Display compliance by directive * Architecture #22081: Use npm for managing js dependencies * Bug #22086: Transform tabs of the directives into real tabs * Architecture #22093: Install npm dependencies in dev build when not present * Architecture #22094: Build frontend files with gulp * Architecture #22116: Add zip as a server dependency * User story #22119: Add an option to hide compliant result * Architecture #22136: Use a lock file for api doc build dependencies * Architecture #22142: Rename resources in rudderc * Architecture #22147: Don't require resources to be listed in yaml technique * User story #22150: API for directive compliance * Bug #22153: Various metadata.xml fixes * Architecture #22156: Tags entry in yaml technique * Architecture #22179: Make rudderc techniques work in edge cases * User story #22187: Add number of nodes stat in rudder * Architecture #22191: Test various known escaping problems * Architecture #22198: Make authorization and rights pluggable * Bug #22202: npm audit should not check dev dependencies * Bug #22204: Remove AdminLTE theme * User story #22206: Allow user to define custom roles in rudder-user.xml * Bug #22215: Dev version of perl used * Architecture #22217: Improve npm audit * Bug #22228: readline fails to build on aix * Architecture #22231: Cleanup remote run command for relay * Architecture #22234: Remove readline library from aix package * Bug #22236: Remove message of cfengine trying to load enterprise module * Architecture #22239: Windows policy generation * User story #22244: Use npm to maintain jqueryui * Bug #22245: Top menu bar display is broken * Bug #22252: Use npm to maintain angularJS * Bug #22254: Directive creation process is counter intuitive in 7.3.0~alpha * Architecture #22265: Remove useless configure flags from openldap * Architecture #22268: Add a first hardening technique draft * Bug #22270: Use npm to maintain gauge.js * Architecture #22293: Update to Rust 1.66.1 * Architecture #22300: Update the toml crate to 0.6 * Bug #22305: Display of Target Rules is broken * Bug #22307: Fix npm security alerts * Architecture #22318: Refactor case insensitivity property for users * Bug #22324: Ignore DoS in npm dependencies * User story #22330: Update windows agent installation documentation * Bug #22336: Update outdated npm packages * Bug #22346: New filters on campaign queries to get several campaign types in one request * Bug #22356: Remove git from build dependencies of rudder-server