


Bug #14789 ยป vacuum_rudder_full.log

Tobias Ell, 2019-04-30 15:29

[03:17:02] [8520] BEGIN Verarbeitung

[03:17:02] [8520] ### executing VACUUM(FULL, ANALYZE, VERBOSE) rudderproperties;
INFO: vacuuming "public.rudderproperties"
INFO: "rudderproperties": found 0 removable, 1612 nonremovable row versions in 12 pages
DETAIL: 1611 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
CPU 0.01s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.01 sec.
INFO: analyzing "public.rudderproperties"
INFO: "rudderproperties": scanned 12 of 12 pages, containing 1 live rows and 1611 dead rows; 1 rows in sample, 1 estimated total rows
[03:17:02] [8520] Returncode: 0

[03:17:02] [8520] ### executing VACUUM(FULL, ANALYZE, VERBOSE) statusupdate;
INFO: vacuuming "public.statusupdate"
INFO: "statusupdate": found 0 removable, 6603 nonremovable row versions in 49 pages
DETAIL: 6602 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.01 sec.
INFO: analyzing "public.statusupdate"
INFO: "statusupdate": scanned 49 of 49 pages, containing 1 live rows and 6602 dead rows; 1 rows in sample, 1 estimated total rows
[03:17:02] [8520] Returncode: 0

[03:17:02] [8520] ### executing VACUUM(FULL, ANALYZE, VERBOSE) nodes_info;
INFO: vacuuming "public.nodes_info"
INFO: "nodes_info": found 0 removable, 5035 nonremovable row versions in 110 pages
DETAIL: 4784 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
CPU 0.00s/0.01u sec elapsed 0.01 sec.
INFO: analyzing "public.nodes_info"
INFO: "nodes_info": scanned 111 of 111 pages, containing 251 live rows and 4784 dead rows; 251 rows in sample, 251 estimated total rows
[03:17:02] [8520] Returncode: 0

[03:17:02] [8520] ### executing VACUUM(FULL, ANALYZE, VERBOSE) archivednodeconfigurations;
INFO: vacuuming "public.archivednodeconfigurations"
INFO: "archivednodeconfigurations": found 0 removable, 0 nonremovable row versions in 0 pages
DETAIL: 0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec.
INFO: analyzing "public.archivednodeconfigurations"
INFO: "archivednodeconfigurations": scanned 0 of 0 pages, containing 0 live rows and 0 dead rows; 0 rows in sample, 0 estimated total rows
[03:17:02] [8520] Returncode: 0

[03:17:02] [8520] ### executing VACUUM(FULL, ANALYZE, VERBOSE) nodeconfigurations;
INFO: vacuuming "public.nodeconfigurations"
INFO: "nodeconfigurations": found 0 removable, 732 nonremovable row versions in 12 pages
DETAIL: 266 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
CPU 0.02s/0.02u sec elapsed 0.14 sec.
INFO: analyzing "public.nodeconfigurations"
INFO: "nodeconfigurations": scanned 12 of 12 pages, containing 466 live rows and 266 dead rows; 466 rows in sample, 466 estimated total rows
[03:17:02] [8520] Returncode: 0

[03:17:02] [8520] ### executing VACUUM(FULL, ANALYZE, VERBOSE) nodes;
INFO: vacuuming "public.nodes"
INFO: "nodes": found 0 removable, 2379128 nonremovable row versions in 33008 pages
DETAIL: 8970 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
CPU 0.54s/0.94u sec elapsed 1.62 sec.
INFO: analyzing "public.nodes"
INFO: "nodes": scanned 30000 of 33007 pages, containing 2154234 live rows and 8188 dead rows; 30000 rows in sample, 2370977 estimated total rows
[03:17:19] [8520] Returncode: 0

[03:17:19] [8520] ### executing VACUUM(FULL, ANALYZE, VERBOSE) directives;
INFO: vacuuming "public.directives"
INFO: "directives": found 0 removable, 1048126 nonremovable row versions in 36440 pages
DETAIL: 3404 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
CPU 0.60s/0.71u sec elapsed 1.58 sec.
INFO: analyzing "public.directives"
INFO: "directives": scanned 30000 of 36441 pages, containing 860204 live rows and 2794 dead rows; 30000 rows in sample, 1045462 estimated total rows
[03:17:25] [8520] Returncode: 0

[03:17:25] [8520] ### executing VACUUM(FULL, ANALYZE, VERBOSE) archivednodecompliance;
INFO: vacuuming "public.archivednodecompliance"
INFO: "archivednodecompliance": found 0 removable, 59960 nonremovable row versions in 2396 pages
DETAIL: 40008 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
CPU 2.68s/3.69u sec elapsed 6.85 sec.
INFO: analyzing "public.archivednodecompliance"
INFO: "archivednodecompliance": scanned 2396 of 2396 pages, containing 19952 live rows and 40008 dead rows; 19952 rows in sample, 19952 estimated total rows
[03:17:33] [8520] Returncode: 0

[03:17:33] [8520] ### executing VACUUM(FULL, ANALYZE, VERBOSE) nodecompliance;
INFO: vacuuming "public.nodecompliance"
INFO: "nodecompliance": found 0 removable, 55987 nonremovable row versions in 2231 pages
DETAIL: 39981 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
CPU 2.48s/3.31u sec elapsed 7.18 sec.
INFO: analyzing "public.nodecompliance"
INFO: "nodecompliance": scanned 2227 of 2227 pages, containing 16006 live rows and 39981 dead rows; 16006 rows in sample, 16006 estimated total rows
[03:17:40] [8520] Returncode: 0

[03:17:40] [8520] ### executing VACUUM(FULL, ANALYZE, VERBOSE) reportsexecution;
INFO: vacuuming "public.reportsexecution"
INFO: "reportsexecution": found 0 removable, 120361 nonremovable row versions in 1656 pages
DETAIL: 59739 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
CPU 0.03s/0.06u sec elapsed 0.14 sec.
INFO: analyzing "public.reportsexecution"
INFO: "reportsexecution": scanned 1658 of 1658 pages, containing 60622 live rows and 59739 dead rows; 30000 rows in sample, 60622 estimated total rows
[03:17:41] [8520] Returncode: 0

[03:17:41] [8520] ### executing VACUUM(FULL, ANALYZE, VERBOSE) nodecompliancelevels;
INFO: vacuuming "public.nodecompliancelevels"
INFO: "nodecompliancelevels": found 0 removable, 3768972 nonremovable row versions in 98579 pages
DETAIL: 1984697 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
CPU 1.27s/2.24u sec elapsed 5.18 sec.
INFO: analyzing "public.nodecompliancelevels"
INFO: "nodecompliancelevels": scanned 30000 of 98571 pages, containing 539158 live rows and 607844 dead rows; 30000 rows in sample, 3161047 estimated total rows
[03:18:49] [8520] Returncode: 0

[03:18:49] [8520] ### executing VACUUM(FULL, ANALYZE, VERBOSE) archivedruddersysevents;
INFO: vacuuming "public.archivedruddersysevents"
INFO: "archivedruddersysevents": found 0 removable, 18095297 nonremovable row versions in 649437 pages
DETAIL: 12065825 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
CPU 8.11s/11.79u sec elapsed 34.59 sec.
INFO: analyzing "public.archivedruddersysevents"
INFO: "archivedruddersysevents": scanned 30000 of 649437 pages, containing 277302 live rows and 558662 dead rows; 30000 rows in sample, 17536706 estimated total rows
[03:20:41] [8520] Returncode: 0

[03:20:41] [8520] ### executing VACUUM(FULL, ANALYZE, VERBOSE) ruddersysevents;
INFO: vacuuming "public.ruddersysevents"
INFO: "ruddersysevents": found 0 removable, 24224344 nonremovable row versions in 892559 pages
DETAIL: 12066705 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
CPU 10.91s/15.62u sec elapsed 47.07 sec.
INFO: analyzing "public.ruddersysevents"
INFO: "ruddersysevents": scanned 30000 of 892559 pages, containing 404886 live rows and 409645 dead rows; 30000 rows in sample, 23815020 estimated total rows
[03:33:21] [8520] Returncode: 0

[03:33:21] [8520] ### executing REINDEX DATABASE rudder;
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_class" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_enum" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_constraint" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_range" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_largeobject" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_type" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "information_schema.sql_sizing" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "information_schema.sql_sizing_profiles" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_attrdef" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_index" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_cast" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_table" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "information_schema.sql_features" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.rulesdirectivesjoin" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_proc" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.eventlog" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_operator" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_tablespace" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_parser" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "information_schema.sql_languages" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_attribute" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "information_schema.sql_implementation_info" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_statistic" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.migrationeventlog" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.gitcommit" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.groups" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.rules" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.changerequest" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.workflow" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.groupsnodesjoin" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.rulesgroupjoin" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_authid" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "information_schema.sql_packages" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_inherits" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_amop" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_conversion" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_user_mapping" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_auth_members" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_description" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_depend" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_namespace" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_db_role_setting" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_opclass" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_opfamily" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_language" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_largeobject_metadata" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_aggregate" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_extension" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "information_schema.sql_parts" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_collation" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.globalschedule" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_am" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_amproc" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_rewrite" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_trigger" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_database" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_pltemplate" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_shdepend" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_shdescription" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_config" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_config_map" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_ts_template" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_data_wrapper" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_default_acl" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_seclabel" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "pg_catalog.pg_shseclabel" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.archivedruddersysevents" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.reportsexecution" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.nodecompliancelevels" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.nodeconfigurations" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.nodes" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.directives" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.archivednodecompliance" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.statusupdate" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.archivednodeconfigurations" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.nodes_info" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.ruddersysevents" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.nodecompliance" was reindexed
NOTICE: table "public.rudderproperties" was reindexed
[03:47:19] [8520] Returncode: 0

[03:47:19] [8520] END Verarbeitung