Bug #2940
closed(ex PT/ Technique)JobScheduler: The command defined in the directive seems to never be executed during some interval of time
I've try to use jobScheduler Technique in order to execute some commands during the night but it never happens. The parameters used are:
The only report we have with these parameters is:
Oct 4 00:56:43 debian-5-32 rudder[27405]: R: @@jobScheduler@@log_info@@47f44489-b4d0-499a-8ddd-cf73c3fe286a@@35241818-4a3d-414e-802d-37836072fba7@@11@@Job@@/root/testjobScheduler2.sh@@2012-10-04 00:56:27+02:00##0876521e-3c81-4775-85c7-5dd7f9d5d3da@#The command will be run at a random time after 1:00 on this node (/root/testjobScheduler2.sh)
The Technique is from the latest version (last commit: 356098feb4c8605b46a9ab189dc9c6cf665f2977).
Nevertheless, the commands are executed if we use other intervals of time like: 13h to 14h.
Updated by Nicolas PERRON over 12 years ago
Nicolas and me have spotted the problem: The intervals under 10 didn't work because of the use of the CFEngine hard class Hr which requires a number composed by 2 digitals like Hr10 or Hr09.
Actually, on the Technique jobScheduler, the intervals are considered like integers which are composed of one digital for each number under 10 then the use of hard class Hr can't work.
Updated by Nicolas PERRON over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Pending technical review
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset commit:d03af204a9794118004383542f48b59d78f1f80c.
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE about 12 years ago
- Status changed from Pending technical review to Released