Bug #16388
Updated by Romain Brucker over 5 years ago
After following the documentation here to upgrade Rudder to 6.0 from 5.0.8 (https://docs.rudder.io/reference/6.0/installation/upgrade/debian.html), we end up with an failling installation due to the rudder-webapp `rudder-webapp` postscript exiting with 1. This is due to the line 78 of the script _'/opt/rudder/share/package-scripts/rudder-webapp-postinst'_ `/opt/rudder/share/package-scripts/rudder-webapp-postinst` : <pre><code class="shell"> ``` grep "^inventory" "${INVENTORY_PROP}" >> "${RUDDER_PROP}" </code></pre> ``` As no line starting with _inventory_ `inventory` exists in _/opt/rudder/etc/inventory-web.properties_ , `/opt/rudder/etc/inventory-web.properties`, grep return an exit code of 1 and stop the postinstall script. Appending _'|| true'_ `|| true` to the line allows to move forward and finish the installation, but might create other problems.