Bug #20207
Updated by Florent NEYRON about 3 years ago
In En version 7.0 en installant Rudder 7.0 when installing with command avec la commande : <pre><code class="shell"> rudder-setup setup-server 7.0 all </code></pre> With the following environment variables: Avec les variables d'environnement suivantes: <pre><code class="shell"> {"DOWNLOAD_USER" => "demo-normation", "DOWNLOAD_PASSWORD" => "94Eekji{Rngw", "ADMIN_PASSWORD" => "admin", "FORGET_CREDENTIALS" => true} </code></pre> I'm unable to validate Impossible de valider la page "Getting Started" page and access the next step. et de passer à l'étape suivante. !Capture%20d%E2%80%99e%CC%81cran%202021-10-27%20a%CC%80%2017.09.15.png!