Bug #24416
Updated by Clark ANDRIANASOLO 8 months ago
When in the groups page, when I select a group from the tree, then select another group, I always get the following error in the browser console when loading a node or group page and doing some actions : <pre><code> Uncaught Error: Your page is loading multiple Elm scripts with a module named Elm.Nodeproperties. Maybe a duplicate script is getting loaded accidentally? If not, rename one of them so I know which is which! </pre></code> It happens every time I select a group from the tree, and also basically when a "new group details" is loaded on the page : cloning a group, even updating the same group ! It seems that loading the @Nodeproperties@ Elm app is done multiple times within the Scala HTML templates which are loaded dynamically. This also causes some unexpected API requests and errors error in the browser console : * when deleting a group, the page is not refreshed and a query to @displayInheritedProperties@ of the deleted group is made, returning 500 error