


Bug #24563

Updated by Clark ANDRIANASOLO about 2 months ago

When in the groups page, when I click more that once either on an existing directive, or "Create" directive from a Technique, I get JS errors :  

 Uncaught Error: Your page is loading multiple Elm scripts with a module named Elm.Tags. Maybe a duplicate script is getting loaded accidentally? If not, rename one of them so I know which is which! 

 Uncaught which!Uncaught Error: Your page is loading multiple Elm scripts with a module named Elm.FileManager. Maybe a duplicate script is getting loaded accidentally? If not, rename one of them so I know which is which! 


 This is an issue similar to #23400 and needs to be fixed by preventing the Elm JS files to be loaded each time the HTML/JS refreshes the rendering of the page
