


Architecture #24975

Updated by Clark ANDRIANASOLO about 1 month ago

We want a new API version, since we made changes to the Node API that are not backward compatible (see PR in parent ticket). 

 Changes are mostly only on node inventory fields in the @"/api/20/nodes/<node_id>@ endpoint, and consist in changes on data format :  
 * in "storage", for each object in the list, "size" is in Bytes instead of MiB (e.g. previous value of `1` maps to a current value of `1 048 576`, still an integer) 
 * in "memories", for each object in the list, "capacity" is in Bytes instead of MiB 
 * in "fileSystems", for each object in the list, "totalSpace" and "freeSpace" are both in Bytes instead of MiB 
 * in "videos", for each object in the list, "memory" is in Bytes instead of MiB 
 * in "bios", for each object in the list, "releaseDate" has the ISO8601 date format @YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ@ instead of the previous display date @YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ@ 
 * "ram" field is in Bytes instead of MiB
