


Bug #25528

Updated by Clark ANDRIANASOLO 3 days ago

We have a cache of node properties since #25219 and it leads to silent error behavior when there is a conflict in the hierarchy of properties inheritance : the cache is simply not updated and when Rudder restarts the cache even remains completely empty. 

 We need to improve the visibility of inheritance errors by :  
 * adding logs (there are no logs at all after changing the configuration of groups, unless Rudder is restarted)  
 * isolating individual errors on properties to group them by node, an error on a single node property should not affect all nodes in Rudder 
 * displaying the errors for every node in the status bar next to policy generation, and turn the status icon to red if there is any error 
 * displaying the errors in the node and group page in the property table in the corresponding row 

 We should update the cache of node properties at any place where a change in the status of resolution of node properties for one or many node could occur.
