


User story #4683

Updated by Jonathan CLARKE over 10 years ago

See #3288 for the global overview. This ticket is similar to #4460, but to adapt remaining Techniques where porting to non-Linux is not trivial. 
 These Techniques include at least: 

 * ./techniques/applications/apacheReverseProxy/1.0/ 
 * ./techniques/applications/openvpnClient/1.0/ 
 ** Requires a "service started on boot" generic method 
 * ./techniques/applications/apacheServer/1.0/ 
 ** Requires a "service started on boot" generic method 
 ** Requires OS-specific Apache configuration paths and tools like a2enmod 
 * ./techniques/systemSettings/process/servicesManagement/1.{1,2}/ 
 ** Requires a "service started on boot" generic method 
 * ./techniques/systemSettings/networking/nfsServer/1.0/ 
 ** Requires a "service started on boot" generic method 
 * ./techniques/systemSettings/misc/clockConfiguration/1.0/ 
 ** Requires a file for timezone, specific to each OS (apparently?) 
 * techniques/systemSettings/remoteAccess/sshKeyDistribution/2.0/ 
 ** Uses "getent" to get a user's home directory, must change to use grep /etc/passwd (or "lsuser -a home" on AIX) 
