


User story #8230

Updated by Alexis Mousset about 8 years ago

This table only considers latest versions of techniques and generic methods. 

 |name|case|body|list update|list update configurable|available updates|list available updates configurable|addupdate|class persistence| 
 |rpm package installation 7.0 technique|RHEL/CentOS/SLES|generic_nobulk (in the technique)| 30 minutes | no | yes | yes (default is 60 minutes) | no | yes (default to 60 minutes)| 
 |apt package installation 4.0 technique|Ubuntu/Debian|apt_nobulk (in the technique)|30 minutes | no | no | no | no | no| 
 |package_install_* generic methods|Deian/Ubuntu|apt_get (in cfengine stdlib)|240 minutes| no | no | no | yes | no | 
 |package_install_* generic methods|RHEL/CentOS|yum_rpm (in cfengine stdlib)|240 minutes| no | no | no | yes | no | 
 |package_install_* generic methods|SLES|ncf_generic (in ncf stdlib)|240 minutes | no | no | no | yes | no | 

 Proposed solution: 

 * Use @ncf_generic@ body everywhere 
 * Add available package list support to package_install_* 
 ** Move rpm support to the generic method 
 ** Add apt support 
 * Make list update frequency configurable 
 ** ncf configuration parameter ? 
 ** Generic method parameter ? 
 * Make a new version of RPM and APT package techniques using @package_install_@ 

 Issues : 
 * Some people implemented addupdate using directives with add+update on the same package, which cannot be handled properly with ncf reporting
