User story #7686
Updated by Alexis Mousset over 8 years ago
h2. -Clean foswiki.-
-It still contains outdated content like which is the second Google result for "Download Rudder".-
h2. Create an index of resources for Rudder
Create a page to show an overview of all available resources for each major version of Rudder.
It should give direct access to:
* Docs: specific chapters in the manual, rudder API doc
* Release information: release notes, maintenance levels (ESR, etc.)
* Docs for other tools: ncf, rudder-api-client, plugins (Rundeck, Ansible)
Could be the first page of the manual.
h2. Add a getting started section
At the very beginning of the manual. It should follow a simple scenario from the beginning to the end (like a web platform installation), to help discover Rudder workflow.
** Installation of a demo platform ("getting started" on
** Basic node management, quick explanation of the concepts
** Create directives (built-in+technique editor, with file copy, templating), rules, quick explanation of the concepts.
** Basic agent commands
** etc.
** This chapter should include a lot of screenshots and tips.
We should probably initially target this section to 3.1.
h2. Split the "Introduction" chapter
* -Move things to the Reference chapter (dependency graph, list of Rudder packages)-
* Replace texts by schema and diagrams
* -Move to "Requirements" part into the Installation chapter-
h2. Split the "Advanced usage" chapter.
* Move all administration elements (multi server, relays) into "Administration"
* Rename it "Advanced Configuration Management" (with technique creation)
h2. -Integrate the "Handbook" into Administration-
h2. Add "Troubleshooting" and "Known issues" sections
* -Integrate the relevant content from the FAQ-
* troubleshooting workflow (rudder server debug, relevant logfiles, etc.)
* known issues like limitations of ncf reporting, etc.
h2. Have a better indexing policy
For now the first result in Google is the 2.3 doc, we should probably only have one indexable version.
h2. -Add a section in administration about integration with other tools-
* -monitoring Rudder-
** -document log files to check for errors-
** -the format of non-compliance-reports.log-
** -hexample of compliance API-
** -give an example of logstash grok for non-compliance-
** -rudder agent health on 3.3.-
* -how to use the API to integrate with Rundeck, Ansible, etc.-