


User story #8462

Updated by Alexis Mousset over 8 years ago

h2. Compatibility matrix 

 |2.10        |x       |x     |x    |-    |-    | 
 |*2.11*          |x       |x     |x    |x    |x    | 
 |3.0           |x       |x     |x    |x    |x    | 
 |*3.1*           |x (unsupported) |(x)     |x     |x    |x    |x    | 
 |3.2           |-       |-     |-    |x (>= 3.1.11)    |x    | 

 * x: compatible and supported 
 * -: non compatible 
 * (x): may be compatible but not supported 

 The constraints are: 

 * Migration script: starting from 3.1, only 2.11+ migrations are supported / explicit classic protocol breaks 2.10 
 * 3.2+ agent need explicit protocol classic, only present in 3.1+ 

 h2. Upgrade paths 

 |from\to     |2.10|*2.11*|3.0|*3.1*|3.2| 
 |2.10        |      |x       | x |       |     | 
 |*2.11*      |      |        | x |    x    | (x) | 
 |3.0         |      |        |     | x     | x | 
 |*3.1*       |      |     |    |    |x    | 
 |3.2         |      |     |    |    |    | 

 * x: direct upgrade possible 
 * (x): direct upgrade possible, but servers have to be upgraded before agents
