


Bug #11253

Updated by Alexis Mousset almost 7 years ago

The agent does not manage to set the "rudder" psql user's password: 

 Every run shows: 

 2017-08-14T09:37:38+0000       info: /default/root_component_check/methods/'any'/default/root_password_check_psql/commands/'/usr/bin/psql -q -c "ALTER USER rudder WITH PASSWORD '91d1d580efb5'"'[0]: Executing 'no timeout,uid=26' ... '/usr/bin/psql -q -c "ALTER USER rudder WITH PASSWORD '91d1d580efb5'"' 
 2017-08-14T09:37:38+0000       info: /default/root_component_check/methods/'any'/default/root_password_check_psql/commands/'/usr/bin/psql -q -c "ALTER USER rudder WITH PASSWORD '91d1d580efb5'"'[0]: Completed execution of '/usr/bin/psql -q -c "ALTER USER rudder WITH PASSWORD '91d1d580efb5'"' 
 success    server-roles                Check SQL in rudder-weba|                      The Rudder Webapp configuration files are OK (checked SQL password) 
 repaired server-roles                Check SQL credentials                          The Rudder PostgreSQL user account's password has been changed 


 And the webapp fails to connect ("FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "rudder"") connect.
