


Bug #13740

Updated by Alexis Mousset over 5 years ago

When <pre> 
 hum, i think Servie enabled at boot doesn't work on debian 9 
 i have installed fluentd and put a Service enabled at boot with td-agent service hav an init script in /etc/init.d name 
 and a real systemd unit (not a compatibility one), here the init script result 

 root@lynis-test:~# service td-agent status 
 * td-agent.service - td-agent: Fluentd based data collector for Treasure Data 
    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/td-agent.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) 
    Active: inactive (dead) 

 Alexis Mousset 
 what is used displayed in rudder agent run -i before this method's report (and whit is the report itself)? 

 E| compliant       Fluentd_installation        Package present             sudo                 Presence of package sudo in any version was correct 
 rudder       info: Executing 'no timeout' ... 'dpkg -l | grep td-agent' 
 rudder       info: Command related to promiser 'dpkg -l | grep td-agent' returned code defined as promise kept 0 
   notice: Q: "...dpkg -l | grep ": ii    td-agent                        3.2.1-0                          amd64          Treasure Agent: A data collector for Treasure Data 
 rudder       info: Last 1 quoted lines were generated by promiser 'dpkg -l | grep td-agent' 
 rudder       info: Completed execution of 'dpkg -l | grep td-agent' 
 E| compliant       Fluentd_installation        Condition from command      is_already_instal| Execute the test command dpkg -l | grep td-agent to create is_already_installed_debian_{true,false} was correct 
    info            Fluentd_installation        File copy from Rudder to manage it. We should use sh| /etc/td-agent/plu| Copying file /etc/td-agent/plugin/out_gelf.rb from /var/rudder/configuration-repository/shared-files/fluentd/plugin/out_gelf.rb was correct 
    info            Fluentd_installation        File copy from Rudder sh| /etc/td-agent/plu| Copying /etc/td-agent/plugin/out_gelf.rb from remote /var/rudder/configuration-repository/shared-files/fluentd/plugin/out_gelf.rb, recursion level 0 was correct 
    info            Fluentd_installation        File copy from Rudder sh| /etc/td-agent/td-| Copying file /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf from /var/rudder/configuration-repository/shared-files/fluentd/td-agent.conf was correct 
    info            Fluentd_installation        File copy from Rudder sh| /etc/td-agent/td-| Copying /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf from remote /var/rudder/configuration-repository/shared-files/fluentd/td-agent.conf, recursion level 0 was correct 
    info            Fluentd_installation        File copy from Rudder sh| /etc/td-agent/con| Copying file /etc/td-agent/conf/syslog.conf from /var/rudder/configuration-repository/shared-files/fluentd/conf/syslog.conf was correct 
    info            Fluentd_installation        File copy from Rudder sh| /etc/td-agent/con| Copying /etc/td-agent/conf/syslog.conf from remote /var/rudder/configuration-repository/shared-files/fluentd/conf/syslog.conf, recursion level 0 was correct 
 rudder       info: Executing 'no timeout' ... 'sudo /usr/sbin/td-agent-gem install gelf && chmod -R 755 /opt/td-agent/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/ /etc/td-agent/' 
   notice: Q: "...sudo /usr/sbin/": Successfully installed gelf-3.1.0 
 Q: "...sudo /usr/sbin/": Parsing documentation for gelf-3.1.0 
 Q: "...sudo /usr/sbin/": Done installing documentation for gelf after 0 seconds 
 Q: "...sudo /usr/sbin/": 1 gem installed 
 rudder       info: Last 4 quoted lines were generated by promiser 'sudo /usr/sbin/td-agent-gem install gelf && chmod -R 755 /opt/td-agent/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/ /etc/td-agent/' 
 rudder       info: Completed execution of 'sudo /usr/sbin/td-agent-gem install gelf && chmod -R 755 /opt/td-agent/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/ /etc/td-agent/' 
 E| repaired        Fluentd_installation        Command execution           sudo /usr/sbin/td| Execute the command sudo /usr/sbin/td-agent-gem install gelf && chmod -R 755 /opt/td-agent/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/ /etc/td-agent/ was repaired 
 E| compliant       Fluentd_installation        Directory present           /var/log/td-agent| Create directory /var/log/td-agent/tmp/ was correct 
    info            Fluentd_installation        Permissions dirs            /var/log/td-agent| Ensure permissions mode 655, owner td-agent and group td-agent on /var/log/td-agent/tmp/ on type directories with 0 recursion level was correct 
 E| compliant       Fluentd_installation        Permissions dirs            /var/log/td-agent| Ensure permissions mode 655, owner td-agent and group td-agent on dirs /var/log/td-agent/tmp/ was correct 
 R: [INFO] Executing is-enabled on td-agent using the /etc/rcX.d/ method 
    info            Fluentd_installation        Service enabled at boot     td-agent             Check if service td-agent is started at boot was correct 
 E| compliant       Fluentd_installation        Service enabled at boot     t 

 R: [INFO] Executing is-enabled on td-agent using the /etc/rcX.d/ method 
    info            Fluentd_installation        Service enabled at boot     td-agent             Check if service td-agent is started at boot was correct 
 E| compliant       Fluentd_installation        Service enabled at boot     td-agent             Ensure service td-agent is started at boot was correct 
    info            Fluentd_installation        File lines present          /etc/rsyslog.conf    Insert content into /etc/rsyslog.conf was correct 
 E| compliant       Fluentd_installation        File lines present          /etc/rsyslog.conf    Append content *.* @ if needed into /etc/rsyslog.conf was correct 
 R: [INFO] Executing is-enabled on rsyslog using the /etc/rcX.d/ method 
    info            Fluentd_installation        Service enabled at boot     rsyslog              Check if service rsyslog is started at boot was correct 
 E| compliant       Fluentd_installation        Service enabled at boot     rsyslog              Ensure service rsyslog is started at boot was correct 
 E| n/a             Fluentd_installation        File copy from Rudder sh| /tmp/fluentd-debi| File copy from Rudder shared folder /tmp/ if debian.(is_already_installed_debian_false) was not applicable 
 E| n/a             Fluentd_installation        Command execution           /bin/bash /tmp/fl| Command execution /bin/bash /tmp/ if debian.(is_already_installed_debian_false) was not applicable 
 E| n/a             Fluentd_installation        Condition from command      is_already_instal| Condition from command is_already_installed_centos if redhat was not applicable 
 E| n/a             Fluentd_installation        Command execution           curl -L https://t| Command execution curl -L | sh if redhat.(is_already_installed_centos_false) was not applicable 
 E| n/a             Fluentd_installation        Service restart             td-agent             Service restart td-agent if linux.(file_from_shared_folder__etc_td_agent_plugin_out_gelf_rb_repaired) was not applicable 
 E| n/a             Fluentd_installation        Service restart             rsyslog              Service restart rsyslog if linux.(file_lines_present__etc_rsyslog_conf_repaired) was not applicable 

 Alexis Mousset 
 Is there an /etc/init.d/td-agent file on the node? 
 (it is has precedence over the systemd instead. 

 We unit for compatibility reasons) 
 yep /etc/init.d/td-agent exist 
 I can replace service enabled at boot with a command execution => systemctl enable td-agent.service it's not a problem 
 Alexis Mousset 
 we could probably test the presence of an actual native systemd unit, and force systemd usage in this case. case, could you open an issue in redmine? 
