


Enhancement #19976 » perf62.svg

server side, centos7 - Nicolas CHARLES, 2021-09-17 14:48

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<!-- Flame graph stack visualization. See for latest version, and for examples. -->
<!-- NOTES: -->
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matchedtxt = document.getElementById("matched");
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searching = 0;
currentSearchTerm = null;

// use GET parameters to restore a flamegraphs state.
var params = get_params();
if (params.x && params.y)
zoom(find_group(document.querySelector('[x="' + params.x + '"][y="' + params.y + '"]')));
if (params.s) search(params.s);

// event listeners
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else if ( == "search") search_prompt();
else if ( == "ignorecase") toggle_ignorecase();
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// mouse-over for info
// show
window.addEventListener("mouseover", function(e) {
var target = find_group(;
if (target) details.nodeValue = "Function: " + g_to_text(target);
}, false)

// clear
window.addEventListener("mouseout", function(e) {
var target = find_group(;
if (target) details.nodeValue = ' ';
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// ctrl-F for search
// ctrl-I to toggle case-sensitive search
window.addEventListener("keydown",function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 114 || (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === 70)) {
else if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === 73) {
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// functions
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return (text)
function g_to_func(e) {
var func = g_to_text(e);
// if there's any manipulation we want to do to the function
// name before it's searched, do it here before returning.
return (func);
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t.textContent = txt;
// Fit in full text width
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t.textContent = "";

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// XXX: Workaround for JavaScript float issues (fix me)
var fudge = 0.0001;


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var e = el[i];
var a = find_child(e, "rect").attributes;
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var ew = parseFloat(a.width.value);
var upstack;
// Is it an ancestor
if (0 == 0) {
upstack = parseFloat(a.y.value) > ymin;
} else {
upstack = parseFloat(a.y.value) < ymin;
if (upstack) {
// Direct ancestor
if (ex <= xmin && (ex+ew+fudge) >= xmax) {
// not in current path
// Children maybe
else {
// no common path
if (ex < xmin || ex + fudge >= xmax) {
else {
zoom_child(e, xmin, ratio);
function unzoom() {
var el = document.getElementById("frames").children;
for(var i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
function clearzoom() {

// remove zoom state
var params = get_params();
if (params.x) delete params.x;
if (params.y) delete params.y;
history.replaceState(null, null, parse_params(params));

// search
function toggle_ignorecase() {
ignorecase = !ignorecase;
if (ignorecase) {
} else {
function reset_search() {
var el = document.querySelectorAll("#frames rect");
for (var i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
orig_load(el[i], "fill")
var params = get_params();
delete params.s;
history.replaceState(null, null, parse_params(params));
function search_prompt() {
if (!searching) {
var term = prompt("Enter a search term (regexp " +
"allowed, eg: ^ext4_)"
+ (ignorecase ? ", ignoring case" : "")
+ "\nPress Ctrl-i to toggle case sensitivity", "");
if (term != null) search(term);
} else {
searching = 0;
currentSearchTerm = null;
searchbtn.firstChild.nodeValue = "Search"
matchedtxt.firstChild.nodeValue = ""
function search(term) {
if (term) currentSearchTerm = term;

var re = new RegExp(currentSearchTerm, ignorecase ? 'i' : '');
var el = document.getElementById("frames").children;
var matches = new Object();
var maxwidth = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
var e = el[i];
var func = g_to_func(e);
var rect = find_child(e, "rect");
if (func == null || rect == null)

// Save max width. Only works as we have a root frame
var w = parseFloat(rect.attributes.width.value);
if (w > maxwidth)
maxwidth = w;

if (func.match(re)) {
// highlight
var x = parseFloat(rect.attributes.x.value);
orig_save(rect, "fill");
rect.attributes.fill.value = "rgb(230,0,230)";

// remember matches
if (matches[x] == undefined) {
matches[x] = w;
} else {
if (w > matches[x]) {
// overwrite with parent
matches[x] = w;
searching = 1;
if (!searching)
var params = get_params();
params.s = currentSearchTerm;
history.replaceState(null, null, parse_params(params));

searchbtn.firstChild.nodeValue = "Reset Search";

// calculate percent matched, excluding vertical overlap
var count = 0;
var lastx = -1;
var lastw = 0;
var keys = Array();
for (k in matches) {
if (matches.hasOwnProperty(k))
// sort the matched frames by their x location
// ascending, then width descending
keys.sort(function(a, b){
return a - b;
// Step through frames saving only the biggest bottom-up frames
// thanks to the sort order. This relies on the tree property
// where children are always smaller than their parents.
var fudge = 0.0001; // JavaScript floating point
for (var k in keys) {
var x = parseFloat(keys[k]);
var w = matches[keys[k]];
if (x >= lastx + lastw - fudge) {
count += w;
lastx = x;
lastw = w;
// display matched percent
var pct = 100 * count / maxwidth;
if (pct != 100) pct = pct.toFixed(1)
matchedtxt.firstChild.nodeValue = "Matched: " + pct + "%";
<rect x="0.0" y="0" width="1200.0" height="582.0" fill="url(#background)" />
<text id="title" x="600.00" y="24" >Flame Graph</text>
<text id="details" x="10.00" y="565" > </text>
<text id="unzoom" x="10.00" y="24" class="hide">Reset Zoom</text>
<text id="search" x="1090.00" y="24" >Search</text>
<text id="ignorecase" x="1174.00" y="24" >ic</text>
<text id="matched" x="1090.00" y="565" > </text>
<g id="frames">
<g >
<title>tlb_flush_mmu.part.76 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="222.6" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,224,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.57" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfs_getattr (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="90.7" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,167,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.73" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="90.1" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,79,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.06" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_out_sk (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="165" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,206,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>strcmp (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="218.9" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,132,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="221.92" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vasprintf_chk (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="150.6" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,11,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="153.64" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mmput (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="207.4" y="437" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,194,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.35" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_single_vma (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="207.4" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,193,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.35" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clear_page_c (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="171.4" y="357" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,48,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.39" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_pte_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="191.3" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,89,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="194.31" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_vmas (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="222.7" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,25,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.72" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_softirq (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="46.9" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,98,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.86" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_has_perm_flags (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="210.0" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,197,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.96" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_rcv (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="165" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,180,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.84" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_execve (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="216.2" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,147,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.15" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lookup_fast (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="90.4" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,113,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.43" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (14 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="138.0" y="469" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,132,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.04" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>start_kernel (1,120 samples, 7.08%)</title><rect x="1104.5" y="453" width="83.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,38,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.49" y="463.5" >start_ker..</text>
<g >
<title>native_safe_halt (11,724 samples, 74.13%)</title><rect x="228.1" y="421" width="874.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,55,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="231.09" y="431.5" >native_safe_halt</text>
<g >
<title>_dl_sysdep_start (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="207.9" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,163,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.95" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[perf] (15 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="63.5" y="501" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,171,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="66.50" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="215.1" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,17,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.11" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_mm_fault (29 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="171.1" y="421" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,90,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.09" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_read (14 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="138.0" y="453" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,85,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.04" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>VerifyVarPromise (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.8" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,192,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.82" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>finish_task_switch (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="212.7" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,198,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="215.72" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_process_callbacks (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="227.3" y="325" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,145,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="230.27" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_open (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="213.1" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,227,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.10" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free_pgtables (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="222.4" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,66,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.42" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcmp_sse42 (63 samples, 0.40%)</title><rect x="130.7" y="469" width="4.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,136,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="133.72" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,111,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.95" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="165" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,69,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_inode_permission (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,109,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_execve_common.isra.24 (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,225,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kworker/0:1 (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="210.9" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,55,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="213.86" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fxstat64 (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="90.0" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,86,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="92.98" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_page_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="191.3" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,103,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="194.31" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_exit_group (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="215.1" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,206,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.11" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_stream_connect (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="141.4" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,191,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.39" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_file_buffered_aio_read (11 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="138.1" y="389" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,164,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.11" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>page_remove_rmap (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="207.4" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,35,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.35" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmapped_area_topdown (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,223,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.77" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___libc_read (15 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="138.0" y="485" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,103,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="140.96" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_output (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="149" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,173,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__inode_permission (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,89,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcmp_sse42 (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="58.7" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,22,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.72" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fput (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="139.2" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,26,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.23" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>yyparse (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="219.1" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,139,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.14" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="209.8" y="501" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,84,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.81" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>malloc_consolidate (98 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="174.6" y="485" width="7.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,141,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.60" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>____fput (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="139.2" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,149,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.23" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__mbrtowc (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="217.4" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,48,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.42" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vsnprintf_chk (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="64.5" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,125,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.47" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="92.2" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,152,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.22" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork_nospec_begin (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.1" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,34,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.08" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_free (95 samples, 0.60%)</title><rect x="152.6" y="485" width="7.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,185,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="155.58" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fopen_internal (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,202,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__mem_cgroup_count_vm_event (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="171.2" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,14,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.16" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_write_xmit (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,75,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>stub_execve (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="219.7" y="485" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,124,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.74" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sock_create (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="209.9" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,20,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.89" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memchr (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="206.5" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,204,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="209.53" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_finish_output (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="133" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,22,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>irq_exit (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="117.7" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,157,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.67" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sh_closepipe (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="222.3" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,105,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.27" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="216.8" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,119,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.83" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlb_finish_mmu (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="185.0" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,51,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.97" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_sse42 (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="190.0" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,97,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="192.97" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_socket_getpeername (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.5" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,128,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.48" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_softirq (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="46.9" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,110,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.86" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="188.6" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,35,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.62" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_compute_av (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.5" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,151,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.48" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (57 samples, 0.36%)</title><rect x="223.8" y="421" width="4.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,64,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="226.84" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_sync_write (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,0,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_mm_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,13,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.63" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="213.0" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,212,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.02" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_compute_av (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.5" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,133,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.48" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="212.7" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,137,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="215.72" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_page_fault (33 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="170.8" y="453" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,90,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="173.79" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfprintf (8 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="18.2" y="469" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,205,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.21" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>user_path_at_empty (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="90.4" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,181,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.36" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>context_struct_compute_av (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="210.0" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,25,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.96" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>udp_send_skb (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,151,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.8" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,206,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.81" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_mmap (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="209.7" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,59,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.66" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_open_exec (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,129,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,69,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>date (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="207.8" y="517" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,136,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.80" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_pages_vma (21 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="171.3" y="389" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,20,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.31" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlb_flush_mmu.part.76 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="184.3" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,102,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.30" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>inet_sendmsg (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,226,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copy_page_range (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="94.5" y="357" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,104,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.54" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_softirq (57 samples, 0.36%)</title><rect x="223.8" y="341" width="4.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,53,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="226.84" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_mmap (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="188.7" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,152,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.70" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_softirq (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="117.7" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,129,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.67" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_sendmsg (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,199,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>stub_execve (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="216.2" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,173,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.15" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_execve_common.isra.24 (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="219.7" y="453" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,1,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.74" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_start_main (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="211.7" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,12,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.68" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kworker/9:1 (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="211.2" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,71,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.23" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,151,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_sse42 (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="149.2" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,120,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="152.23" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_sse2 (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="189.7" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,71,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="192.67" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_page_range (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="219.9" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,225,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.89" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dev_queue_xmit (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,177,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_fork (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,197,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (22 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="88.3" y="453" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,42,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.34" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_fini (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="152.4" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,36,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="155.44" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_sse2 (13 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="187.2" y="501" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,20,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.21" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vm_mmap_pgoff (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.8" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,192,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.81" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>inode_permission (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,47,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfprintf (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="129.8" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,216,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="132.83" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_exit_group (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1189.8" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,102,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.78" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_fini (141 samples, 0.89%)</title><rect x="191.5" y="501" width="10.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,16,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="194.46" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pthread_once (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="182.7" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,120,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.65" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_transmit_skb (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="197" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,113,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_page_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="215.7" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,4,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.71" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_exit_group (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="222.4" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,138,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.42" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>udp_sendmsg (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,38,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_dir3_data_readahead (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="88.7" y="309" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,0,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.72" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vsnprintf_chk (19 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="150.9" y="485" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,105,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="153.87" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clear_page_c (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="221.9" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,43,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.90" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_execve_common.isra.24 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="216.0" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,32,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.01" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="222.4" y="501" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,72,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.42" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (517 samples, 3.27%)</title><rect x="20.1" y="485" width="38.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,4,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="23.15" y="495.5" >[un..</text>
<g >
<title>context_struct_compute_av (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="165" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,94,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>zbx_thread_start (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="437" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,160,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_intr (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,95,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.76" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mmput (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="215.2" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,184,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.18" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcmp_sse42 (29 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="119.9" y="437" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,100,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="122.90" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_dl_sysdep_start (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.4" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,102,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.37" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="101" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,43,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="111.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SYSC_newfstatat (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="208.6" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,119,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="211.62" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>realloc (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="207.0" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,212,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="209.98" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_dl_fixup (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.4" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,50,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.36" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>search_binary_handler (18 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="184.8" y="437" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,25,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.82" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cmd_record (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="211.7" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,18,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.68" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_compute_av (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,51,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__alloc_pages_nodemask (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="221.9" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,228,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.90" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_softirq (16 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1104.5" y="293" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,173,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.49" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__execve (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,222,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>user_path_at (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="219.4" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,66,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.36" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_dl_map_object (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="213.0" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,158,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.02" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_compute_av (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="181" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,102,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_write (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,160,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__alloc_pages_nodemask (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,139,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.63" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[perf] (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="215.9" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,11,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.93" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exit_mmap (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1189.8" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,123,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.78" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>printf (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="212.1" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,159,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="215.05" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_mmap (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.8" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,224,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.81" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_has_perm_noaudit (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,108,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_no_init (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="137.4" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,28,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="140.44" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_mm_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="207.2" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,128,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.20" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_dl_sysdep_start (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="191.2" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,16,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="194.23" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfs_fstatat (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="90.4" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,161,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.36" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_timer_softirq (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="227.8" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,51,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="230.79" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_vmas (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="219.8" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,192,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.81" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vbox_user_framebuffer_dirty (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.2" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,71,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.23" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_send (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,222,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_sse2 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="58.3" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,150,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.27" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_mm_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="222.3" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,110,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.27" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_sendmsg (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,35,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___libc_open (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,75,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,228,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>call_softirq (57 samples, 0.36%)</title><rect x="223.8" y="357" width="4.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,178,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="226.84" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>worker_thread (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="210.9" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,222,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="213.86" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_unmapped_area (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,64,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.77" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___getpeername (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.5" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,44,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.48" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>path_lookupat (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,12,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>stub_execve (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.0" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,68,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.99" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_reclaim_worker (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.1" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,174,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.08" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>malloc (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="174.4" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,126,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.37" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfs_fstatat (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="208.6" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,218,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="211.62" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="207.6" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,128,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.65" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (65 samples, 0.41%)</title><rect x="95.1" y="469" width="4.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,147,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.13" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="174.0" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,183,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.00" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_execve (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,126,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dev_queue_xmit (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="101" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,181,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="111.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>irqbalance (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="210.6" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,101,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="213.63" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dup_mm (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="221.8" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,118,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.83" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="213.4" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,119,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.39" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__close_nocancel (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="139.2" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,178,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.15" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="216.8" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,5,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.83" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_free (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="218.3" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,11,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="221.32" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_ssse3 (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="188.2" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,149,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.18" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,142,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copy_page_range (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="221.9" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,43,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.90" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>call_softirq (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="117.7" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,151,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.67" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (402 samples, 2.54%)</title><rect x="100.4" y="469" width="30.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,36,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="103.36" y="479.5" >[u..</text>
<g >
<title>__xstat64 (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,107,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="37" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,170,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="47.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_page_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="215.7" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,6,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.71" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>start_cpu (12,934 samples, 81.78%)</title><rect x="223.0" y="501" width="965.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,223,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="226.02" y="511.5" >start_cpu</text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (25 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="118.0" y="437" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,165,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.96" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>call_timer_fn (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="227.9" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,39,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="230.87" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="152.4" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,39,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="155.44" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_sendto (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,51,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>search_binary_handler (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="219.7" y="437" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,130,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.74" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>task_work_run (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="139.2" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,115,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.23" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__nscd_get_map_ref (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="141.4" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,54,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.39" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_page_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="222.3" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,217,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.27" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork_nospec_begin (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="212.3" y="501" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,59,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="215.35" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_dl_check_all_versions (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.4" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,11,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.36" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_fork (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,141,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>zbx_tcp_accept (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.5" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,2,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.48" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_sse2 (11 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="200.8" y="485" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,2,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="203.78" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="46.9" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,155,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.86" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_intr (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1102.9" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,141,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1105.85" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfs_open (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="88.6" y="357" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,71,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.57" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exit_mmap (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="222.4" y="421" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,123,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.42" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>touch_atime (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="138.8" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,0,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.78" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strdup (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="189.5" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,133,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="192.52" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>filename_lookup (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="90.4" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,214,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.36" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>inet_sendmsg (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,81,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dl_main (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="220.6" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,27,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="223.63" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_dl_relocate_object (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="191.2" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,77,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="194.23" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>zbx_tcp_send_ext (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,104,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memset_sse2 (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="141.0" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,61,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.02" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_access (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="219.4" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,156,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.36" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_region (8 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="184.0" y="421" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,80,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.00" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_push (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,131,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sed (31 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="213.0" y="517" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,70,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.02" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_execve_common.isra.24 (20 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="184.7" y="453" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,46,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.67" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copy_process (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,35,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_page_fault (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,14,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.56" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_exit (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="215.1" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,43,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.11" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (531 samples, 3.36%)</title><rect x="19.6" y="501" width="39.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,214,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.55" y="511.5" >[li..</text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_do_rcv (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="85" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,178,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.84" y="95.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mmap64 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.8" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,16,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.81" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>process_one_work (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="211.2" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,20,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.23" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avtab_search_node (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.5" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,22,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.48" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_openat (22 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="88.3" y="437" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,64,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.34" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__nscd_get_mapping (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="141.4" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,180,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.39" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_gro_receive (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="229" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,112,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.84" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,73,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_single_vma (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="184.4" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,149,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.44" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>irq_exit (57 samples, 0.36%)</title><rect x="223.8" y="389" width="4.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,176,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="226.84" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int_signal (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="139.2" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,77,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.15" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cpu_startup_entry (11,811 samples, 74.68%)</title><rect x="223.1" y="469" width="881.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,174,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="226.09" y="479.5" >cpu_startup_entry</text>
<g >
<title>security_compute_av (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="229" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,148,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___openat64 (23 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="88.3" y="469" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,104,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.27" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>page_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="222.3" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,143,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.27" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>strcmp@plt (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="183.0" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,34,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="186.03" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>____fput (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="91.2" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,91,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.18" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_execve (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="219.7" y="469" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,13,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.74" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlb_finish_mmu (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="184.2" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,228,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.22" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pmd_alloc (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="221.9" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,56,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.90" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>irq_exit (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,65,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.76" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_group_exit (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="207.4" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,229,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.35" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>path_openat (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,228,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strncpy_ssse3 (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="149.8" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,222,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="152.82" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_execve (20 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="184.7" y="469" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,139,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.67" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avtab_search_node (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="149" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,89,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>main (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="485" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,162,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1188.2" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,92,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.21" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>release_pages (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="222.6" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,223,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.57" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__schedule (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1103.4" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,105,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.45" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exit_mmap (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="207.4" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,59,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.35" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sigprocmask (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="220.3" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,9,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="223.33" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sysmalloc (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="207.2" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,89,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.20" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (24 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="92.4" y="485" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,127,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.37" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>open64 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="213.1" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,59,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.10" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>context_struct_compute_av (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="213" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,28,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="207.4" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,21,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.35" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,138,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_fork (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="94.4" y="453" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,9,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.39" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>malloc (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="201.8" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,113,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="204.83" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>zbx_execute_threaded_metric (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,144,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,30,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.95" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_sync_read (12 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="138.0" y="421" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,134,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.04" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__write_nocancel (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,149,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___munmap (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="183.9" y="501" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,137,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="186.92" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_buf_readahead_map (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="88.7" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,59,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.72" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_filp_open (18 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="88.4" y="405" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,76,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.42" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strchrnul (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="18.0" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,67,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="20.98" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_itoa_word (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="151.2" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,121,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="154.24" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,94,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MAIN_ZABBIX_ENTRY (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="453" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,84,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unlink_anon_vmas (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="222.4" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,119,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.42" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>stub_clone (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="221.8" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,101,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.75" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_finish_output (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,21,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlb_finish_mmu (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.9" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,3,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.85" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,99,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>finish_task_switch (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1103.6" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,146,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.60" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>drm_fb_helper_dirty_work (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.2" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,60,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.23" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_socket_create (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="210.0" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,64,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.96" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>path_lookupat (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="219.4" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,222,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.36" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>irq_exit (16 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1104.5" y="341" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,140,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.49" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>page_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="191.3" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,135,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="194.31" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_queue_xmit (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="181" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,178,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (59 samples, 0.37%)</title><rect x="118.0" y="453" width="4.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,0,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.96" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>path_init (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="89.6" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,99,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="92.61" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>daemon_start (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="469" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,123,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mmap64 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="209.7" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,133,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.66" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>process_timeout (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="227.9" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,147,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="230.87" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mmput (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="222.4" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,218,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.42" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>e1000_xmit_frame (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="53" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,4,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="63.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_softirq (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="117.7" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,198,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.67" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>call_softirq (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,227,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.76" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,33,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_notify_resume (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="91.0" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,186,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.03" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>malloc_consolidate (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="136.5" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,22,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="139.54" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,169,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__schedule (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="212.7" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,85,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="215.72" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_pte_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="222.3" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,147,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.27" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_malloc (182 samples, 1.15%)</title><rect x="159.7" y="485" width="13.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,49,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="162.67" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_socket_create (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="210.0" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,4,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.96" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>process_one_work (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.1" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,227,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.08" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_softirq (57 samples, 0.36%)</title><rect x="223.8" y="373" width="4.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,46,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="226.84" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_newfstatat (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="90.2" y="437" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,87,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.21" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>x86_64_start_kernel (1,120 samples, 7.08%)</title><rect x="1104.5" y="485" width="83.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,100,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.49" y="495.5" >x86_64_st..</text>
<g >
<title>sock_aio_write (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,219,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>zbx_fork (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,213,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_single_vma (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="222.7" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,212,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.72" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strdup (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="200.6" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,24,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="203.56" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_notify_resume (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="139.2" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,67,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.15" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>page_fault (33 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="170.8" y="469" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,92,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="173.79" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_sys_open (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,87,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlb_flush_mmu.part.76 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.9" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,212,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.85" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>call_softirq (16 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1104.5" y="309" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,89,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.49" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dl_main (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="214.5" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,93,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.51" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="90.2" y="453" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,33,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.21" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>flush_old_exec (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="219.7" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,10,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.74" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_file_xsgetn (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="183.3" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,60,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="186.33" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_compute_av (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,113,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_fork (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="94.4" y="405" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,209,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.39" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_pte_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,206,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.63" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>native_safe_halt (1,099 samples, 6.95%)</title><rect x="1105.7" y="373" width="82.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,201,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1108.69" y="383.5" >native_sa..</text>
<g >
<title>__execve (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="216.2" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,166,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.15" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_clone (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,63,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cf-promises (2,640 samples, 16.69%)</title><rect x="10.8" y="517" width="197.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,164,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.82" y="527.5" >cf-promises</text>
<g >
<title>security_inode_getattr (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="90.1" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,229,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.06" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>default_idle (1,119 samples, 7.08%)</title><rect x="1104.5" y="389" width="83.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,19,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.49" y="399.5" >default_i..</text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="117.7" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,214,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.67" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>main (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="211.7" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,175,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.68" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__run_exit_handlers (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1188.2" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,50,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.21" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_page_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="191.3" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,177,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="194.31" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_group_exit (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="222.4" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,117,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.42" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="58.5" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,22,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.50" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (37 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="216.6" y="501" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,78,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.60" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_execve_common.isra.24 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.0" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,212,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.99" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free (12 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="173.5" y="485" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,172,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="176.48" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>find (18 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="208.5" y="517" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,81,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="211.47" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_out_sk (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,38,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fxstatat64 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="208.6" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,60,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="211.62" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_pte_fault (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="159.4" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,201,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="162.45" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>arch_cpu_idle (1,119 samples, 7.08%)</title><rect x="1104.5" y="405" width="83.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,103,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.49" y="415.5" >arch_cpu_..</text>
<g >
<title>sys_mmap (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="209.7" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,197,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.66" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dev_hard_start_xmit (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,184,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_clone (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="94.4" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,58,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.39" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_page_fault (33 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="170.8" y="437" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,46,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="173.79" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_group_exit (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="215.1" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,109,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.11" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="197" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,147,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.84" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strdup@plt (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="148.2" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,27,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="151.18" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_socket_getpeername (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.5" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,92,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.48" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SYSC_newstat (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,157,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_pages_current (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="221.9" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,107,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.90" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__execve (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="219.7" y="501" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,113,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.74" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memset (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="89.2" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,0,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="92.24" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_page_range (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="184.4" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,225,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.44" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__d_lookup_rcu (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="90.4" y="309" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,60,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.43" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_dl_fini (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.4" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,50,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.36" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>release_pages (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="207.6" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,114,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.65" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___libc_fcntl (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="183.7" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,110,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="186.70" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__alloc_fd (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="89.8" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,83,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="92.76" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>call_softirq (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="46.9" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,41,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.86" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vm_munmap (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="183.9" y="453" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,217,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="186.92" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>process (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,65,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcmp_sse42 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="174.2" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,206,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.22" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="141.4" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,156,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.39" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_da_reada_buf (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="88.7" y="293" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,197,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.72" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_dir_open (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="88.7" y="325" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,213,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.72" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (14 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="59.2" y="501" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,114,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="62.17" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_dl_check_map_versions (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.4" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,223,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.36" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__mmap64 (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="188.6" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,60,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.62" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kworker/3:1 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.1" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,5,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.08" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="60.0" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,174,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="62.99" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_last (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,57,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_gp_kthread (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="212.3" y="469" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,76,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="215.35" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_release_sock (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="141.4" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,59,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.39" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="63.5" y="485" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,7,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="66.50" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___access (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="219.4" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,218,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.36" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_vmas (14 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="357" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,60,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.12" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strchr_sse42 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="141.5" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,165,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.54" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>VFS_FS_SIZE (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,16,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mem_cgroup_newpage_charge (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="172.9" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,99,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="175.88" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork_nospec_begin (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="210.9" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,141,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="213.86" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="89.8" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,56,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="92.76" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="208.5" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,87,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="211.47" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_exit (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1189.8" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,37,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.78" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[perf] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="215.9" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,152,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.93" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_page_fault (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="159.2" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,70,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="162.15" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_setb (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="137.7" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,174,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="140.74" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,167,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlb_flush_mmu.part.76 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="207.6" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,114,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.65" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_inode_permission (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,209,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dev_queue_xmit (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,24,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlb_finish_mmu (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="222.6" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,176,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.57" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>generic_file_aio_read (11 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="138.1" y="373" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,228,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.11" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_vmas (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="207.4" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,21,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.35" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_softirq (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1102.9" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,209,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1105.85" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_timeout (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="212.6" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,126,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="215.65" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_lookup_x (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="221.5" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,85,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.45" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[perf] (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="94.4" y="485" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,151,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.39" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__inode_permission (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,158,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="94.4" y="469" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,11,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.39" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_file_release (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="139.3" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,77,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.30" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_fork (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="221.8" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,169,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.75" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_apic_timer_interrupt (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="91.6" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,201,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.63" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="85" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,78,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="95.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exit_mmap (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="215.2" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,169,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.18" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_softirq (16 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1104.5" y="325" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,53,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.49" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_filp_open (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,24,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfs_getattr (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="90.1" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,83,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.06" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[perf] (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="211.7" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,84,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.68" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>wake_up_process (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="227.9" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,31,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="230.87" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_dl_sysdep_start (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="220.6" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,67,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="223.56" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>context_struct_compute_av (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.5" y="229" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,198,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.48" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>page_fault (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,109,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.56" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>swapper (12,934 samples, 81.78%)</title><rect x="223.0" y="517" width="965.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,214,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="226.02" y="527.5" >swapper</text>
<g >
<title>copy_process (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="94.4" y="389" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,80,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.39" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="117" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,5,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.84" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_single_vma (14 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="341" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,91,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.12" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copy_pte_range (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="94.5" y="341" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,164,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.54" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="133" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,213,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.84" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (499 samples, 3.16%)</title><rect x="20.9" y="469" width="37.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,42,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="23.89" y="479.5" >[un..</text>
<g >
<title>_dl_map_object (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="213.2" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,15,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.25" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sh (102 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="215.3" y="517" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,199,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.33" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="117" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,108,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_dl_addr (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.2" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,36,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.22" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_sys_open (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="213.1" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,122,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.10" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dev_queue_xmit (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="117" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,96,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cp_new_stat (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="90.2" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,38,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.21" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_vmas (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="184.4" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,138,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.44" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="209.9" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,220,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.89" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[bash] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="216.6" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,217,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.60" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_mm_fault (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="159.4" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,33,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="162.45" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strdup (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="148.0" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,130,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="150.96" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[ifconfig] (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="209.8" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,164,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.81" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>default_idle (11,785 samples, 74.52%)</title><rect x="223.7" y="437" width="879.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,59,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="226.69" y="447.5" >default_idle</text>
<g >
<title>__execve (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.0" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,218,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.99" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vm_mmap_pgoff (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="209.7" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,119,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.66" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_group_exit (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1189.8" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,150,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.78" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>seq_read (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="138.9" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,12,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.93" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfs_fstatat (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,192,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>stub_execve (20 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="184.7" y="485" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,227,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.67" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_clone (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="221.8" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,1,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.75" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>proc_reg_read (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="138.9" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,128,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.93" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_socket (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="209.9" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,101,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.89" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>page_fault (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="159.2" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,30,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="162.15" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_dl_map_object (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="19.3" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,1,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.25" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_page_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="207.2" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,156,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.20" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_wp_page (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="159.5" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,86,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="162.52" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_last (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,64,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mem_cgroup_uncharge_page (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="207.4" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,188,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.43" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__alloc_pages_nodemask (21 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="171.3" y="373" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,66,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.31" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_pte_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="207.2" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,2,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.20" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,184,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_page_fault (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,126,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.56" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>process_one_work (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="210.9" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,156,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="213.86" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.5" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,72,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.48" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__mem_cgroup_uncharge_common (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="207.4" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,123,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.43" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_default_xsputn (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="137.0" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,87,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="139.99" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_softirq (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,15,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.76" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mmput (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1189.8" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,5,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.78" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_exit_group (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="207.4" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,212,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.35" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___socket (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="209.9" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,127,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.89" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_dentry_open (8 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="88.6" y="341" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,45,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.57" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcmp_sse42 (147 samples, 0.93%)</title><rect x="47.2" y="453" width="10.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,146,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="50.16" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>load_elf_binary (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="219.7" y="421" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,133,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.74" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_execve (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.0" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,22,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.99" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork_nospec_begin (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="211.2" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,9,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.23" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_pte_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="215.7" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,188,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.71" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_fork (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="221.8" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,102,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.75" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SYSC_newfstat (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="90.1" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,155,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.06" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,26,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___libc_connect (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="141.4" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,75,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.39" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_has_perm_noaudit (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,203,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_page_range (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="222.7" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,221,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.72" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sch_direct_xmit (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,211,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>start_secondary (11,814 samples, 74.70%)</title><rect x="223.0" y="485" width="881.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,99,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="226.02" y="495.5" >start_secondary</text>
<g >
<title>smp_apic_timer_interrupt (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="117.7" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,51,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.67" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>user_path_at_empty (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="219.4" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,7,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.36" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_close (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="90.9" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,57,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.88" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_softirq (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1102.9" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,224,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1105.85" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_send_skb (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,128,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>x86_64_start_reservations (1,120 samples, 7.08%)</title><rect x="1104.5" y="469" width="83.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,87,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.49" y="479.5" >x86_64_st..</text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (106 samples, 0.67%)</title><rect x="11.0" y="501" width="8.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,188,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.04" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_calloc (13 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="186.2" y="501" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,6,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="189.16" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__tcp_push_pending_frames (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="229" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,202,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_newfstat (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="90.1" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,130,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.06" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_inode_getattr (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="90.1" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,133,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.06" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1188.2" y="501" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,223,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.21" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,206,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="101" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,64,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.84" y="111.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dup_mm (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="94.4" y="373" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,20,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.39" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>page_remove_rmap (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="185.9" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,148,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.86" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>path_openat (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="213.1" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,47,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.10" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>zabbix_agentd (24 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="1188.2" y="517" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,87,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.21" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,97,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_munmap (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="183.9" y="469" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,217,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="186.92" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_nohz_idle_enter (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1103.9" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,187,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.90" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="130.1" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,136,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="133.05" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_sse2 (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="200.0" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,125,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="203.04" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>all (15,815 samples, 100%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="533" width="1180.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,142,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.00" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>link_path_walk (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="213.1" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,168,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.10" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_internal (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="213" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,189,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.84" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dup_mm (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.0" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,19,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.96" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_unused_fd_flags (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="89.8" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,213,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="92.76" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_exit (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="222.4" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,67,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.42" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avtab_search_node (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="139.7" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,120,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.68" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>arch_cpu_idle (11,789 samples, 74.54%)</title><rect x="223.5" y="453" width="879.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,172,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="226.47" y="463.5" >arch_cpu_idle</text>
<g >
<title>kthread (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.1" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,41,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.08" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfs_fstat (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="90.1" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,119,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.06" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_nl_intern_locale_data (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="220.9" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,201,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="223.93" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_inode_permission (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="229" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,214,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SYSC_connect (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="141.4" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,55,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.39" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="69" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,77,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="79.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,40,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.00" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfs_write (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,176,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_page_range (14 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="325" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,215,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.12" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,70,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="209.7" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,56,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.66" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_mmap_pgoff (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="209.7" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,36,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.66" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="149" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,79,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_newfstatat (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="208.6" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,140,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="211.62" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>inode_permission (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,107,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,199,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_sched (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="212.3" y="517" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,115,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="215.35" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ifconfig (11 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="209.8" y="517" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,108,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.81" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rest_init (1,120 samples, 7.08%)</title><rect x="1104.5" y="437" width="83.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,107,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.49" y="447.5" >rest_init</text>
<g >
<title>avc_has_perm_flags (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.5" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,103,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.48" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[zabbix_agentd] (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,223,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="212.3" y="485" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,153,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="215.35" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_filp_open (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="213.1" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,72,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.10" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (114 samples, 0.72%)</title><rect x="191.5" y="485" width="8.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,22,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="194.53" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>user_path_at (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,30,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_core (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="181" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,148,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.84" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_reclaim_inodes_ag (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.1" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,16,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.08" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dev_hard_start_xmit (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="69" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,222,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="79.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cat (11 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="517" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,72,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.00" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_page_fault (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="159.2" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,111,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="162.15" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcpy_ssse3 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="217.7" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,75,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.72" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_start_main (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="501" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,65,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>stub_execve (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="216.0" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,66,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.01" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[bash] (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="215.3" y="501" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,90,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.33" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copy_process (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="221.8" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,129,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.75" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="208.6" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,145,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="211.62" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mmput (18 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="184.8" y="389" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,186,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.82" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (368 samples, 2.33%)</title><rect x="64.8" y="485" width="27.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,215,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.77" y="495.5" >[..</text>
<g >
<title>__execve (20 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="184.7" y="501" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,60,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.67" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_mm_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="215.7" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,69,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.71" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_output (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,26,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__xstat64 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="152.3" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,188,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="155.29" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strstr_sse42 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="150.5" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,204,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="153.50" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>arch_get_unmapped_area_topdown (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,107,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.77" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dl_main (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="191.2" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,180,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="194.23" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_dl_sysdep_start (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="214.5" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,204,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.51" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vbox_framebuffer_dirty_rectangles (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.2" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,156,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.23" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="210.9" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,151,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="213.86" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strncpy_ssse3 (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="201.6" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,33,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="204.61" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mmap_region (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="209.7" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,191,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.66" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (8 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="63.6" y="469" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,114,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="66.57" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="229" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,47,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>quiet_vmstat (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1104.3" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,106,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.34" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SYSC_sendto (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,128,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_preempt_disabled (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1103.4" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,64,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.45" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>load_elf_binary (18 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="184.8" y="421" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,105,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.82" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_connect (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="141.4" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,69,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.39" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_dl_sysdep_start (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="209.1" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,71,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.14" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_has_perm (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.5" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,10,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.48" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="227.9" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,157,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="230.87" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="213.2" y="501" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,15,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.25" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>user_path_at (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="90.4" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,61,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.36" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_open (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,85,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (236 samples, 1.49%)</title><rect x="100.4" y="453" width="17.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,174,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="103.36" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_fini (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="58.3" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,177,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.27" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>page_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="207.2" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,141,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.20" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_mmap_pgoff (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="188.7" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,39,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.70" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>flush_old_exec (18 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="184.8" y="405" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,174,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.82" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>load_elf_binary (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.0" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,66,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.99" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>neigh_resolve_output (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,134,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.73" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_execve_common.isra.24 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="216.2" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,224,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.15" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_compute_av (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="210.0" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,201,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.96" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="136.0" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,167,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="139.02" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (44 samples, 0.28%)</title><rect x="60.2" y="501" width="3.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,120,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="63.21" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="91.6" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,148,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.63" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>inode_permission (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,89,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vm_mmap_pgoff (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="188.7" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,62,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.70" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_page_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="207.2" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,168,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.20" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>worker_thread (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.1" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,6,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.08" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,3,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_pte_fault (25 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="171.3" y="405" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,165,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.31" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_softirq (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,221,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.76" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__execve (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="216.0" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,113,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.01" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>filename_lookup (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,143,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cpu_startup_entry (1,120 samples, 7.08%)</title><rect x="1104.5" y="421" width="83.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,224,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.49" y="431.5" >cpu_start..</text>
<g >
<title>do_last (11 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="88.4" y="373" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,19,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.42" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free_pages_and_swap_cache (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="207.6" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,14,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.65" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vsnprintf_chk (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="129.8" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,172,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="132.83" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fxstatat64 (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="90.2" y="469" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,77,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.21" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__inode_permission (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,207,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mmput (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="219.7" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,114,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.74" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dl_main (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="207.9" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,135,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.95" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_match.9523 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="173.3" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,74,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="176.33" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="213.2" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,163,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.25" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>irq_exit (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1102.9" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,149,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1105.85" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_reclaim_inode (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.1" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,78,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.08" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_compute_av (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="210.0" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,49,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.96" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>e1000_clean (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,41,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.84" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcmp_sse42 (98 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="122.4" y="453" width="7.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,168,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.44" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfprintf (12 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="151.4" y="469" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,113,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="154.39" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_sys_open (22 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="88.3" y="421" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,135,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.34" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>task_work_run (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="91.0" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,3,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.03" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free_pages_and_swap_cache (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="222.6" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,184,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.57" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>call_softirq (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="91.6" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,179,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.63" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free (8 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="202.9" y="501" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,108,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="205.95" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_filp_open (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,30,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="211.6" y="517" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,134,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.60" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_empty_filp (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="89.2" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,167,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="92.24" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_page_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="222.3" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,94,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.27" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>realloc (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="182.8" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,181,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.80" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>anon_vma_clone (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="94.4" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,66,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.39" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_sse42 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="135.6" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,139,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="138.65" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="197" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,156,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>stub_execve (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,145,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_mmap_pgoff (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.8" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,187,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.81" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>user_path_at_empty (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,147,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>worker_thread (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="211.2" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,106,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.23" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vsnprintf_chk (11 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="18.0" y="485" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,104,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="20.98" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (351 samples, 2.22%)</title><rect x="20.9" y="453" width="26.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,163,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="23.89" y="463.5" >[..</text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_sse2 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="135.5" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,22,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="138.50" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_idle_exit (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1103.2" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,215,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.15" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_amd (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="213.4" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,82,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.39" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_file_aio_read (12 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="138.0" y="405" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,209,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.04" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="20.1" y="469" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,109,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="23.15" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int_signal (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="91.0" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,227,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.03" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dl_main (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="209.2" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,125,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.22" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dl_main (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.4" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,217,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.45" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="213.1" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,59,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.10" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_single_vma (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="219.8" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,218,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.81" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_has_perm_noaudit (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,225,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>path_openat (18 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="88.4" y="389" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,50,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.42" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>page_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="215.7" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,208,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.71" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,152,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_faccessat (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="219.4" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,37,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.36" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_dl_relocate_object (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="220.6" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,53,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="223.63" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (16 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1104.5" y="373" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,74,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.49" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[perf] (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="215.9" y="501" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,30,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.93" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_page_range (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="207.4" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,117,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.35" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcmp_sse42 (84 samples, 0.53%)</title><rect x="141.7" y="485" width="6.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,178,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.69" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_malloc (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="218.5" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,113,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="221.47" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avtab_search_node (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="210.0" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,166,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.96" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_child (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="221.8" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,157,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.75" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SYSC_getpeername (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.5" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,12,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.48" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>stub_clone (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,0,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="53" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,67,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="63.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_process_callbacks (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="92.0" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,212,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.00" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>irq_exit (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="46.9" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,2,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.86" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_sse2 (11 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="148.4" y="485" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,184,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="151.41" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>stub_clone (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="94.4" y="437" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,14,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.39" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_softirq (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="91.6" y="421" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,186,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.63" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_release (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="139.3" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,104,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.30" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>path_openat (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,142,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irqentry_text_start (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1102.9" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,25,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1105.85" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strnlen_sse2 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="150.3" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,17,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="153.35" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="19.7" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,201,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.70" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_mmap (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="188.7" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,129,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.70" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_mm_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="191.3" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,223,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="194.31" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_sse2 (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="140.3" y="485" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,174,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="143.27" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_apic_timer_interrupt (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="46.9" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,58,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.86" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>try_to_wake_up (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="227.9" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,126,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="230.87" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="209.8" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,167,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.81" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_exit (6 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="207.4" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,206,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.35" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__find_get_page (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="138.2" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,27,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.18" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,93,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.84" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_apic_timer_interrupt (16 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1104.5" y="357" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,49,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.49" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_inode_permission (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,96,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>may_open (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,35,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="183.9" y="485" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,222,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="186.92" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>search_binary_handler (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.0" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,131,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.99" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sysconf (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.1" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,215,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.10" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_page_from_freelist (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="172.1" y="357" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,178,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="175.13" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="133" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,217,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>may_open (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,164,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcat_ssse3 (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="189.0" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,58,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="192.00" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1189.8" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,73,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.78" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_newstat (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,183,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_softirq (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="91.6" y="389" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,74,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.63" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_after_swapgs (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="183.7" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,122,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="186.70" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>path_lookupat (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="90.4" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,227,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.36" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exit_mmap (18 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="184.8" y="373" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,212,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.82" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,131,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>call_softirq (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1102.9" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,182,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1105.85" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strnlen_sse2 (12 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="190.3" y="501" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,148,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="193.26" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_munmap (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="183.9" y="437" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,33,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="186.92" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>filename_lookup (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="219.4" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,33,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.36" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pcre_exec (8 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="182.0" y="485" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,30,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="184.98" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlb_flush_mmu.part.76 (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="185.0" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,142,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.97" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (561 samples, 3.55%)</title><rect x="95.1" y="485" width="41.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,214,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.13" y="495.5" >[un..</text>
<g >
<title>sys_execve (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="216.0" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,229,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.01" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[cf-promises] (19 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="86.9" y="469" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,201,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="89.85" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfs_read (14 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="138.0" y="437" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,87,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.04" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_inode_permission (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,229,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sch_direct_xmit (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="85" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,80,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="95.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free_pgtables (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="184.0" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,167,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.00" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_sse2 (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="130.4" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,20,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="133.42" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>malloc (39 samples, 0.25%)</title><rect x="203.6" y="501" width="2.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,6,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="206.62" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_compute_av (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="197" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,182,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_rcv_finish (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="149" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,220,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.84" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_cow_fault (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="191.3" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,62,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="194.31" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (1,591 samples, 10.06%)</title><rect x="64.6" y="501" width="118.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,8,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.62" y="511.5" >[unknown]</text>
<g >
<title>pcre_exec (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="206.7" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,118,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="209.68" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>listener_thread (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,146,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.88" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_calloc (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="139.9" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,29,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.90" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_compute_av (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,192,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fput (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="91.2" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,69,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.18" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_malloc (10 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="202.1" y="501" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,58,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="205.05" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_evlist__prepare_workload (4 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="211.8" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,214,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.75" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SYSC_newfstatat (9 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="90.2" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,163,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.21" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exit_mmap (5 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="219.7" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,121,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.74" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="181" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,167,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.98" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_apic_timer_interrupt (57 samples, 0.36%)</title><rect x="223.8" y="405" width="4.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,7,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="226.84" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>link_path_walk (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="219.4" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,92,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.36" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>link_path_walk (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,17,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_buf_read_map (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="88.8" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,225,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.79" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>e1000_clean_rx_irq (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,118,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.84" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>anon_vma_fork (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="94.4" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,65,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.39" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_pages_vma (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,34,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.63" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irqentry_text_start (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,117,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.76" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="211.2" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,66,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.23" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>irq_exit (7 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="91.6" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,223,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.63" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>system_call_fastpath (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="219.4" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,104,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.36" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="94.2" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,104,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.16" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_getpeername (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.5" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,32,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.48" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_inode_permission (2 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,163,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.95" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (8 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="501" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,185,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.95" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>context_struct_compute_av (3 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="139.6" y="229" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,120,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.60" y="239.5" ></text>