User story #1561
closedhistory and DEV/QA/Prod statuses on changes for a policy
When executing some changes on an already existing policy, we should be able to keep an history of the changes, and have a validation workflow.
Let's say we change one setting on the ssh server configuration.
First, we will change the setting on the policy, and the saved policy will get the status "DEV".
For nodes flagged as production nodes, the applied policy will still be the old "Production" policy until the "DEV" status is changed for "Production" status.
For nodes flagged as development nodes, the DEV, rep. QA, resp Prod policy will be applied.
For nodes flagged as QA nodes, the QA, resp Prod policy will be applied.
In the same time, this will permit to keep an history of policies, nice to have would be to have a retention policy (keep policies for 1 year for dev, 2 years for prod).
Updated by François ARMAND over 13 years ago
- Target version changed from 10 to 24
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE over 12 years ago
- Target version changed from 24 to Ideas (not version specific)
Updated by François ARMAND about 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Event are all logged, including node properties, group, etc.
For compliance reports, we have a plugin to historize it.
I'm closing that one.