

François ARMAND


open closed Total
Assigned issues 79 2554 2633
Reported issues 175 2670 2845


Project Roles Registered on
Rudder Developer 2010-11-04
Rudder plugins Developer 2018-08-20
API authorizations Developer 2018-08-20
Authentication backends Developer 2018-10-03
Branding Developer 2018-08-20
Centreon Developer 2018-08-21
Change validation Developer 2018-10-25
CIS Developer 2019-08-22
Consul Developer 2020-04-06
Datasources Developer 2018-09-28
GLPI Developer 2018-08-21
Node external reports Developer 2018-08-21
Notifications Developer 2018-11-29
OpenSCAP Developer 2019-10-22
Scale-out relay Developer 2018-08-21
User management Developer 2018-08-23
Vault Developer 2018-08-21
Zabbix Developer 2018-08-21
Rudder tools Developer 2013-09-09
Rudder websites Developer 2015-03-11



16:33 Rudder Bug #25438 (Pending technical review): The severity ERROR for Node with ID ‘xxx’ was not found in Rudder’ is too strict
PR François ARMAND
16:32 Rudder Bug #25438: The severity ERROR for Node with ID ‘xxx’ was not found in Rudder’ is too strict
The logger name will have the same name than the error field in the returned message, @api-processing.response-error@... François ARMAND
16:09 Rudder Bug #25438 (In progress): The severity ERROR for Node with ID ‘xxx’ was not found in Rudder’ is too strict
François ARMAND
16:09 Rudder Bug #25438: The severity ERROR for Node with ID ‘xxx’ was not found in Rudder’ is too strict
Actually, we want:
- a different logger
- and message in info level. Else we have user errors at ops error level, ...
François ARMAND
10:21 Rudder Bug #25438: The severity ERROR for Node with ID ‘xxx’ was not found in Rudder’ is too strict
@clark.andrianasolo started to look but it's more complicated than anticipated because it would change ALL API error ... François ARMAND
15:34 Rudder Bug #25348: Deleting CVE group is possible even if it is a system group
Button is not here anymore, and API reports an error
François ARMAND
15:26 Rudder Bug #25351: Windows KB don't show up in the inventory anymore
Works as expected:
François ARMAND
10:29 Authentication backends Bug #25458 (New): All OIDC user are disabled at once
It was observed on a user installation (7.3.16) that at some point, all users were disabled at once.
There was noth...
François ARMAND
10:25 Rudder Bug #25457 (New): One out of 1000 agent run is missed
On user installation with lots of nodes, it was observed that around 0.1% of cfengine agent runs are missing.
It do...
François ARMAND


17:02 Rudder User story #8193 (Resolved): Add an option to be able to be more selective about node API returned content
This is done since a long time ago François ARMAND

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