

François ARMAND


open closed Total
Assigned issues 88 2663 2751
Reported issues 192 2734 2926


Project Roles Registered on
Rudder Developer 2010-11-04
Rudder plugins Developer 2018-08-20
API authorizations Developer 2018-08-20
Authentication backends Developer 2018-10-03
Branding Developer 2018-08-20
Centreon Developer 2018-08-21
Change validation Developer 2018-10-25
CIS Developer 2019-08-22
Consul Developer 2020-04-06
Datasources Developer 2018-09-28
GLPI Developer 2018-08-21
Node external reports Developer 2018-08-21
Notifications Developer 2018-11-29
OpenSCAP Developer 2019-10-22
Scale-out relay Developer 2018-08-21
User management Developer 2018-08-23
Vault Developer 2018-08-21
Zabbix Developer 2018-08-21
Rudder tools Developer 2013-09-09
Rudder websites Developer 2015-03-11



22:36 Rudder Architecture #26422 (Pending technical review): Clean-up old API account
PR François ARMAND
22:10 Rudder Architecture #26422 (In progress): Clean-up old API account
François ARMAND
22:09 Rudder Architecture #26422 (Pending technical review): Clean-up old API account
Since parent is merged, we really want to get rid of the old api for account management and only keep the new, public... François ARMAND


21:40 Rudder Architecture #26398 (Pending technical review): Impact of #24872 (API rights) on private plugins
PR François ARMAND
21:37 Rudder Architecture #26398 (In progress): Impact of #24872 (API rights) on private plugins
François ARMAND
21:35 Rudder Architecture #26398 (Pending technical review): Impact of #24872 (API rights) on private plugins
Changes in #24872 need to be reflected in private plugins François ARMAND
21:36 Rudder Architecture #26397 (Pending technical review): Impact of 24872 (API rights) on public plugins
PR François ARMAND
21:34 Rudder Architecture #26397 (In progress): Impact of 24872 (API rights) on public plugins
François ARMAND
21:33 Rudder Architecture #26397 (Pending technical review): Impact of 24872 (API rights) on public plugins
Changes in #24872 need to be reflected in rudder-plugins François ARMAND


10:28 Rudder Enhancement #26320: Enrich node.inventory[os] json property with more information
It's more a subject for the evolution of rudder modules exposing namespaced properties agent side and a rework on the... François ARMAND

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