Bug #20503
closedWebapp upgrade fails when updating a 6.1 to 7.0
Pull Request:
UX impact:
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Effort required:
Name check:
To do
Fix check:
To do
I have the following error in my log after update, the webapp does not start:
[2022-01-03 17:20:09+0100] ERROR migration - Error during migration of policy server system configuration to Rudder V7.0 data. It is likely that Rudder won't work as expected. Please check the log above. Error was: Inconsistency: Error when looking for technique with ID 'server-roles/1.0'. Check technique name and version; cause was: Unexpected: Inconsistency: Error when looking for technique with ID 'distributePolicy/1.0'. Check technique name and version [2022-01-03 17:20:09+0100] INFO bootchecks - Check mandatory DIT entries [2022-01-03 17:20:09+0100] INFO policy.generation - Start policy generation, checking updated rules [2022-01-03 17:20:09+0100] ERROR bootchecks - Error when checking for mandatory entries for 'root' server in the DIT. <- Inconsistency: Missing required entry 'directiveId=common-hasPolicyServer-root,activeTechniqueId=common,techniqueCategoryId=Rudder Internal,techniqueCategoryId=Active Techniques,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-configuration'. This is most likelly because Rudder was not initialized. Please run /opt/rudder/bin/rudder-init to set it up. [2022-01-03T17:20:09.917+01:00] ERROR FATAL An error happen during Rudder boot. Rudder will stop now. Error: SystemError: An error occured; cause was: javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Error when checking for mandatory entries for 'root' server in the DIT. <- Inconsistency: Missing required entry 'directiveId=common-hasPolicyServer-root,activeTechniqueId=common,techniqueCategoryId=Rudder Internal,techniqueCategoryId=Active Techniques,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-configuration'. This is most likelly because Rudder was not initialized. Please run /opt/rudder/bin/rudder-init to set it up. -> javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Error when checking for mandatory entries for 'root' server in the DIT. <- Inconsistency: Missing required entry 'directiveId=common-hasPolicyServer-root,activeTechniqueId=common,techniqueCategoryId=Rudder Internal,techniqueCategoryId=Active Techniques,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-configuration'. This is most likelly because Rudder was not initialized. Please run /opt/rudder/bin/rudder-init to set it up. >-at bootstrap.liftweb.checks.consistency.CheckDIT.FAIL$1(CheckDIT.scala:80) >-at bootstrap.liftweb.checks.consistency.CheckDIT.checks(CheckDIT.scala:165) >-at bootstrap.liftweb.SequentialImmediateBootStrapChecks.$anonfun$checks$1(BootstrapChecks.scala:99) >-at bootstrap.liftweb.SequentialImmediateBootStrapChecks.$anonfun$checks$1$adapted(BootstrapChecks.scala:91) >-at scala.collection.IterableOnceOps.foreach(IterableOnce.scala:563) >-at scala.collection.IterableOnceOps.foreach$(IterableOnce.scala:561) >-at scala.collection.AbstractIterable.foreach(Iterable.scala:919) >-at bootstrap.liftweb.SequentialImmediateBootStrapChecks.checks(BootstrapChecks.scala:91) >-at bootstrap.liftweb.RudderConfig$.$anonfun$init$1(RudderConfig.scala:1393) >-at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18) >-at zio.internal.FiberContext.evaluateNow(FiberContext.scala:490) >-at zio.internal.FiberContext.$anonfun$evaluateLater$1(FiberContext.scala:776) >-at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( >-at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ >-at java.base/
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 7.0.0~rc3 to 7.0.0
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1
Updated by Félix DALLIDET almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
This has been tested on an old dev version and is no longer relevant anymore.