Bug #25230
openerror: Duplicate definition of bundle xxxxxxxxxxxxx with type agent
[Rudder 8.1.5]
As explained in gitter's chat, here's my issue :
I'm not very familiar with user custom technique's VERSION numbers.
So most of the times, I'm creating a technique, and I'm using it for my directives, but I'm not modifying them later. So I almost use only one version 1.0 of each user technique.
This time, I created a technique, used it for some directives, then I had to change things, which I did, but I did it with the YAML editor : I changed the technique content (for minor details), AND I bumped the version number manually (in the yaml editor).
I don't know if I should have NOT touched this version field, maybe allowing Rudder's magic to increase this value for me?
I then saved the technique with the changes (code+version increase).
Then for each related directive, I migrated/upgraded them to the next version and saved.
There I got the error message "error: Duplicate definition of bundle xxxxxxxxxxxxx with type agent" in /var/log/rudder/core/rudder-webapp.log
The result is Rudder's health got broken ("broken red heart in top right of the screen"), and the only way out is to delete the related directives.
Then, trying to delete the faulty technique is NOT POSSIBLE because when looking at Administration / Techniques Tree / Reference technique library, some techniques I created appear with no mean to delete them : no Delete button is shown.
Moreover, in the technique editor, some faulty techniques appear twice with the same label, and when clicking on some of them, they appear empty (the right side editor does not show up), and clicking on them does highlight some others (they seem related).
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES 6 months ago
This issue has been solved on gitter ( https://app.gitter.im/#/room/#rudder:gitter.im )
We do not yet support having 2 techniques from the technique editor in different version applied on the same node