Architecture #254
closedFind a cheap way to have list of group for a given server
Server group are dynamics, and so for a given group, we have to process some query, what can take a lot of time, to know the list of server in that group.
But we often need to know the list of group a given server belong to (without processing ALL group)
So, basically, it's adding a cache (ie a preprocess data) somewhere, and add some logic to update / invalidate it when needed.
There is two entry point (I think):
- in group query entries, add "list of matching server"
- in server entries, add "list of matching target".
In each case, the list is updated when a server is modified (added/updated/deleted) or when the query is modified.
Updated by François ARMAND about 14 years ago
- Status changed from New to Discussion
We have chosen to keep the list of members of the dynamic group in a cache, periodically updated
Updated by François ARMAND about 14 years ago
- Tracker changed from User story to Architecture
- Project changed from 9 to Rudder
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE over 13 years ago
- Category changed from 13 to Architecture - Code maintenance
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE over 12 years ago
- Target version changed from 24 to Ideas (not version specific)
Updated by François ARMAND about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Discussion to Rejected
This was never a performance problem, so closing it "the guys who wanted that certainly was overengeneering things"