Enhancement #26468
openAPI account ID token need to be validated in the UI
Pull Request:
UX impact:
It bothers me each time
Suggestion strength:
Wish - This is just an idea | nice to have
User visibility:
Getting started - demo | first install | Technique editor and level 1 Techniques
Effort required:
Name check:
To do
Fix check:
To do
As we do in many other places (properties, technique editor), we should validate the user input : the account ID can now be provided in Elm.
We already do it for the token name, with a warning "This name is already used", and we should add it for the token, which may be optional, but non-blank, it should be validated as a string with alphanumeric characters.
Currently we can attempt to save the account with a message that is not very friendly :
Updated by Clark ANDRIANASOLO 8 days ago
- Related to Bug #26469: Creating API Account with existing ID is possible and sends a confusing error added
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ 6 days ago
- Target version changed from 8.3.0~beta1 to 8.3.0~beta2