User story #3825
closedtechnique to manage repositories
It is very common to add a new packages repository.
It would be nice to have a dedicated technique for that.
Basically, to add a repository you have to:
- Add a file which contains the coordinates of the repository.
- Import the gnupg key of the repository.
- Update the package management cache.
The coordinates of the repository are usually different depending on the distribution, and the OS version, but the principle is the same.
As a side feature, it would be also very nice add some repository as a dependency for a given package: see #3824.
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 11 years ago
- Assignee set to Jonathan CLARKE
- Target version set to Ideas (not version specific)
There is already a Technique to manage package manager (one for APT, one for RUG/YAST, one for Zypper), They can add new repositories to download package.
The main problem is that they can't handle GPG keys, so you would have to set it otherwise. We still need to improve those Techniques, and adding the gpg key handling could be done in a new versions.
I assign it to you Jon, so you can see who and when start development about that technique
Updated by Alexis Mousset almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
we now have a dedicated technique for gpg keys, closing.